Looking for wysiwyg html editor

I am looking for suggestions for a wysiwyg editor that can convert to html . I have used something similar called sigil which does it for ebooks.
However, I would like to create an html newsletter email for sending out to clients.

The main problem you have is that email html is much more limited than website html; you are much better using an email client that generates email html or something like mailchimp for what you intend to do.

The other problem you may find is that email clients do not support all functions; so you may produce email html which works fine in one email client but not in another.

Not mentioning the many people that will not accept e-mail with HTML in it for security (and other) reasons.

On 2015-06-27 10:16, hcvv wrote:

> Not mentioning the many people that will not accept e-mail with HTML in
> it for security (and other) reasons.

On some mailings you can choose the type you want to receive. But in
marketing (and many business), html is almost mandatory. It may have
security issues, but in the XXI century we most have some kind of rich
text email text: tables, boxes, images, bold, font size… If it html is
not acceptable, then we need another format standard.

Me, I send PDFs. I found html tables in email unreliable. But it is a
complication: use LO to write the document, export, attach… and the
result is big.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.

(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” (Minas Tirith))