Login authentication failur -- endless loop. Connected to at-spi-registryd-wrapper.desktop?

Every now and then, when I try to login, I get an endless loop in which an “Authentication failure” screen pops up; then it immediately goes back to the login window and then acts as if a wrong password has been input. So it goes right back to “Authentication failure.” It’s an endless loop until I hit ctrl-alt-del.

And I’ve noticed that sometimes when I log out, I get a screen saying something like “at-spi-registryd-wrapper.desktop is still running, log out anyway?” This started happening the same day that the loop started, but the two do not always occur in the same login session.

I don’t know if these are related, or if I got a mythical Linux virus. I’d appreciate any help – thanks!

Create a new user and see if the problem is with them also.

Yes, it does. I think it happens when I choose a user by hitting <enter> rather than clicking on it. The loop, I mean.

On 2010-09-15 00:06, xpacker wrote:
> It’s an
> endless loop until I hit ctrl-alt-del.

Try ctrl-alt-backspace - twice.

Or ctrl-alt-f1, log as root, “init 3”, “init 5”.

Or same, top or ps, find the culprit, kill it.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” GM (Minas Tirith))

Thanks, Carlos. ctrl-alt-backspace does end the loop, but only for that session. I was also able to end the loop with ctrl-alt-del. I don’t know what I’m supposed to look for with “top” or “ps,” but killing it once doesn’t sound like a long-term solution.

Is there a file that has been corrupted, or something else that I can fix? I’d rather have a login that works. If I can’t fix it, I’ll just reinstall. It may be a problem from upgrading rather installing fresh. I just don’t know why it waited so many weeks to surface.

On 2010-09-15 23:06, xpacker wrote:
> Thanks, Carlos. ctrl-alt-backspace does end the loop, but only for that
> session.

But it doesn’t reboot and you can try again.

> I was also able to end the loop with ctrl-alt-del.

That reboots.

> I don’t
> know what I’m supposed to look for with “top” or “ps,” but killing it
> once doesn’t sound like a long-term solution.

I can’t know what to look for, exactly, I’m not there. Try discover which processes are active. Try
looking at the logs - for example, by “ls -ltr /var/log | tail” you can see if any one is growing.

It may not be a permanent solution, but it helps finding out what’s the cause.

You can switch to a different login manager.

> Is there a file that has been corrupted, or something else that I can
> fix? I’d rather have a login that works. If I can’t fix it, I’ll just
> reinstall. It may be a problem from upgrading rather installing fresh.
> I just don’t know why it waited so many weeks to surface.

I never reinstall, I find solutions :slight_smile:

With upgrading you simply have a few different problems. You have to review the config files listed
by “rcrpmconfigcheck”, for example. You have to make sure that there are no old packages that were
not upgraded.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” GM (Elessar))

Hi Carlos–

Actually, for some reason ctrl-alt-delete does not reboot; it just ends the loop.

Anyway, since I’m also getting that strange “at-spi-registryd-wrapper.desktop still running” error, I think I’ll reinstall – fresh this time. I applaud you for figuring problems out, but being very inexperienced, I sometimes find it easier to just start from scratch. Thanks for all your suggestions, though. If the problem resurfaces after the fresh install, I’ll wade through them. I appreciate your help and time – thanks!