Loading yast software manager is much slower in 11.4

Just up’ed to 11.4 this morning and after rebooting ran sw manager and the “the starting the software” process where the configure repositories are loaded is taking a large amount of time compared to 11.3 and there is no discernible web traffic since all repos are up to date.

Anyone else seeing this? Is it a server overload affect?


No , I dont see this. But I constantly do edit:
in the /etc/zypp/repos.d/*.repo files. And manually
zypper ref

Not seeing that here today on 11.4 with only four repos enabled.

it’s the “downloading” part of the process that seems to be taking up the time even though the repos are all up to date and nothing of size is being dl’ed. For the hey of it I cleared the zypper cache but it did not help.

I’ve got 10 repos enabled, obviously a fair amount but had more for 11.3. I could disable auto-refresh for the oss and non-oos repos but figure there may be some changes in the next couple of weeks. Some of the enabled repos are pretty small like mozilla , wine and recoll