Live USB slowroll - how to?

I am running Leap 15.6 on my laptop and want to test slowroll on a live USB.
I downloaded the ISO (openSUSE-Slowroll-DVD-x86_64-Build17.3-Media.iso) and then burned the image onto a USB, following:
(SDB:Live USB stick - openSUSE Wiki).

I can boot to the USB, but on start it only shows two options: ‘install’ or ‘upgrade’ and no ‘live’ option. Does ‘install’ means to the USB or to the laptop? .

I don’t want to change my Leap laptop!. Did I download the wrong ISO or is there no live slowroll option ?

@RG HI. I’ve never seen a slowroll live. Consider that it came out of beta a few days ago. Live ISOs will probably follow shortly…

You probably need to install it to the USB Not sure there is a live version for slow roll


According the blog entry, it entered Beta status and did not leave it yet…

It is up to you to chose on which drive it will install. But you obviously cannot install on the same USB drive you booted from.

You should be able to plug in a second USB drive and install on it.

@arvidjaar , that makes sense, thank you. Will give it a try !
I appreciate slowroll is still beta, but from this forum it seems to be fairly stable and now they are moving to monthly updates I thought I would try to compare with Leap.

Sorry for the wrong information. I thought I read that it was coming out of beta on July 9th. It’s probably a mistake…

I had misunderstood the news. sorry again

@arvidjaar , I got slowroll installed from one USB to another, as suggested,. All worked perfectly, thank you.

I booted to the USB slowroll, updated and it runs solid. Quite slow, but perfect for my purpose to try slowroll…

Many thanks for all the help!

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