Live cd loads kernal and stops

Hey I decided I wanted to try OpenSUSE after a foray into Ubuntu. I like Ubuntu but want to give another distro a try.
However I’ve hit a snag thats making me feel pretty stupid.
I downloaded the OpenSuse image and burned it with ImgBurn, which went well I suppose, except the verify failed (I suppose thats where my problem is, though what would cause it to fail I’m not sure) I burned the image on 1x speed so that can’t be it.
I gave the livecd a try anyway, it boots up fine into the opening menu which gives you options like livecd, failsafe, etc. and went to livecd. The Kernel loaded and then the screen changed to the actual OpenSuse load screen, but it just hangs after that and eventually restarts my computer. I have no idea why its doing this, but I’m pretty sure I’m burning the image wrong somehow. Any help?

sorry for extremely long post

Try verifying the md5sums of your iso download there could be a mismatch or a download failure.

What conram says needs a little explanation: there’s nothing wrong with the burning (though a bad verification should have warned you) but the downloaded image is corrupt. If you still have Ubuntu you should be able to find the md5sum ,some kind of hash-total that you can use to check the integrity of files/images. The same md5sum is found in the folder that you downloaded the ISO from. AFAIK they can be found on as well

hey guys, same thing happened with me last night.
I’m trying to upgrade from v11 to v11.1
This is what I’ve got

err: sector 339531
check : MD5SUM wrong
mds: (about 20 digits numbers and letters)

Does it mean that the image is corrupt, I assume.

I only have windows right now. How do I fix this md5 problem, if thats it? I did notice under the livecd download on there was a link called md5 I believe, is that what im looking for? If so, what do I do with it?

I think you have to download the file md5 and save it to a folder along with the iso from the cd or dvd
then you have to execute the md5 file and see the results
“md5sum -c MD5SUMS”
Please some one correct me if I’m wrong.

How do I fix this md5 problem, if thats it?

You do not fix it, you check it.

I did notice under the livecd download on there was a link called md5 I believe, is that what im looking for?

Yes, the link will let you download a file with an md5 extension. This file has the md5sum of the corresponding iso file. What you need to do is to use a program to calculate the md5 of the iso you downloaded and then compare the result outputted by the program with the md5sum located in the md5 file. If they are the same your download is good, otherwise there was a problem and you need to download again.

I only have windows right now.

If so, what do I do with it?

See these links to learn more:
Download Help - openSUSE

NEWBIES - Suse-11.1 Pre-installation – PLEASE READ - openSUSE Forums
