linux not booting properly do to DHCP6 client not running?

As linux boots the fallowing errors occur
Secondary eth_s6_0: linux IP address: waiting
eth_s6_0 interface could not be set up until now failed
Setting up service (localfs) network . . . . . . . . . . failed

Master resource control: runlevel 5 has been reached
Failed service in runlevel 5 network
Skipped service in runlevel 5 nfs xend xendomains

:frowning:How can this be fix?:\

By not using DHCP6 in a DHCP4 only network.

Do you mean that DHCP6 needs to be turned off?
How do you turn off DHCP6 when in runlevel 5?


I started a thread about a problem that I was having, but only one person posted anything about my problem and it didn’t help.…t-running.html

My problem is …
As linux boots the fallowing errors occur
Secondary eth_s6_0: linux IP address: waiting

eth_s6_0 interface could not be set up until now …failed
Setting up service …(localfs)
network . . . . . . … failed

Master resource control: runlevel 5 has been …reached
Failed service in runlevel 5 network
Skipped service in runlevel 5 nfs xend xendomains

Can you help?
It is normally best to keep all questions to the forum - hence I have transfered your PM question here:

You need to explain more about your situation. What version of openSUSE and your general setup and hardware. Have you made any non-standard settings for your machine, esp, the network. What are you trying to do/achieve. What desktop do you use… and so on
Then perhaps some of the network savvy members will be able to help. My input here may be limited I’m afraid.

I turned off IPV6. this fixed all the networking errors but…
not starting NFS client service - no NFS found in /ect/fstab: unused

xend unused
xendomains unused
starting Inet services. xinetd Failed
Master resource control: runlevel 5 has been reached
Failed service in runlevel 5 xinetd
Skipped service in runlevel 5 nfs xend xendomains

NFS client service is needed only if you want to do mount a NFS directory from another server (NFS server).

What about the other errors?

xend and enddomains are needed by xen. If you are not using xen, they are not needed. In fact, if you see a message “unused”, it is not an error.

xinet is used to enable various TCP/IP services like telnet, ftp etc. through a single mechanism. It is not required if you are not running your machine as a server and offering such services. You have to configure the required services for xinet in /etc/xinet.conf files. If no service is configured then xinet will not run and you get a “failed” message. In fact, this is not a failure. So, you can safely ignore it.

O.K, I have removed xen and xend, but it is still booting to runlevel 5. I would like it to boot to the graphical interface so I can run all my programs.
Is there a way to fix it?

So you can’t startx?

lol!Thanks all;)
:)You helped me lern a bit more about linux oprations.:wink:
I know that some of you might be surprized about what I am about to tell you…
sense I could not figure out any reason for the computer to not boot properly I prayed and now it works.
But it tells me that the driver for the graphics card is not the proper driver.
next time I get a chance I will provide details about this problem.

Is there any sugjestions on how to get the driver for my graphics card…
SAPPHIRE 100262L Radeon HD 2400PRO 512MB 64-bit GDDR2 PCI Express x16 HDCP Ready Vidio Card.

SAPPHIRE HD 2400 PRO 512MB - Google Search


Golden rule:

One problem => one thread

Your graphics card problem is completely misplaced here.


I just saw your PM (I’ve been away for quite a while). It appears you resolved your original network configuration problem. Perhaps you have opened a new thread for setting up your graphics driver? In short, there is a wiki article which describes installing “fglrx” from the ATI repository.