Lightning does not install

Hi all,

I use openSUSE 11.1, 64 bits version.
I also have Thunderbird version 3.0.3 .

I would like to install Lightning (version 1.0 beta 1) but I get the following error :

Lightning" could not be installed because it is not compatible with your Thunderbird build type (Linux_x86_64-gcc3). Please contact the author of this item about the problem.

Has anyone a clue about how solving this problem, please ?

Thank you very much,


You need the 64-bit build of Lightning, see the first “review” on its home page.

Thank you for your answer.

This URL redirects me to :

Index of /pub/*

where, indeed, I find the file Lightning.xpi.

But how can I install it now into Thunderbird ?

As you see, I am fairly new to the Linux world, so any help is appreciated.


Well, indeed, sir.

I tried what was written on that page :

  1. I went to

  2. I went to Index of /pub/

  3. I right-clicked and Save link as to my hard disk (directory Lighning - which I created on the fly)

  4. I went to Thunderbird –> Tools –> Add-ons –> Extensions –> Install

  5. I pointed to the directory in which I had saved the link

  6. Thunderbird installed Lightning

  7. I restarted openSUSE and all went well

So thank you very much,


For those having difficulty after the latest (July 2010) update to TB3.1 on x_86 machines, look here for Lightning and the Google provider .xpi files

Index of /pub/