Libreoffice decoration


I have bad decorations in Libreoffice. Reinstall and any preferences - does not works for me. Help me please.

See screenshot:

ID build: 30m0(Build:2)
CPU Cores: 8; OS Version: Linux 4.4;
Locale: ru-RU (ru_RU.UTF-8);

did you tried to change some appearance item in LibreOffice?


Which one? I am new to libreoffice tuning, help me with screenshots please.

It seems to me a theme problem.

Are you using KDE, right? Did you change the desktop theme? Back to the default and open the libreoffice again.

Did tried to change the libreoffice theme? Is this the first time that you open it?

Fwiw,, & now 5.4, worked & continue to work very nicely for me especially wrt UI], previously in Maui Linux, & now in *openSUSE Tumbleweed *[ie, clearly it’s not apparently some [i]generic LO bug]. I theme its UI with my favoured Plasma5 Oxygen style, which thus allows it to inherit my custom colours etc. Also, after experimentation, i settled on using LO’s Galaxy icon suite.](

Imgur: The magic of the Internet](Imgur: The magic of the Internet)](

I´ve tried it. It is not working for me.

I´ll try it monday morning and will let you know, if this helps.

Helllo GooeyGirl](!

Some decortations changed, but not all: main menu, dialogs like Settings and Save/Load are the same decorations, as they were.

Ensure that you have both of these [as i’ve marked in my following picture] installed, AND that in System Settings you have applied oxygen-gtk and Oxygen per my previous pictures. After making those changes, it might be best to logout/in, or maybe even reboot, to be certain that they properly activate.

So you can see that my LO UI is themed how i want it:

If even one part of that combination is missing / wrong, i often find that some pgm windows refuse to display per my colour & style preferences, & instead just become boring grey, with boring icons, like your pic…

NB: Ironically, & frustratingly, i’ve still not solved getting YaST itself to respect my Plasma Oxygen theme settings, as you can see from my first picture above. :open_mouth:

Hi. I have made changes, like you said, and rebooted PC. Nothing so far. Libreoffice decorations like on my last screenshot. Anything else I can try?

There are themes for libreoffice, you can install it using yast from leap repo.
Is it really the bad decoration or the icon style is your problem. You can change the icon style in tools-options-view of libreoffice.
In my machine I use the arc theme and icon theme, it looks pretty IMHO even on libreoffice.

I am sorry. What i wrote here [ie, earlier in this thread] reliably works for me, so unfortunately i’m now out of alternative ideas for you.

An additional puzzle, for me, is that it seems ALL my pics pasted into my previous posts in this thread, have now vanished. Golly!!

On Thu 17 Aug 2017 01:16:01 AM CDT, GooeyGirl wrote:

An -additional- puzzle, for me, is that it seems ALL my pics pasted into
my previous posts in this thread, have now vanished. Golly!!

I would surmise you didn’t set the time period to ‘never expire’ default
is a week… then they are deleted…

Cheers Malcolm °¿° SUSE Knowledge Partner (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE Leap 42.2|GNOME 3.20.2|4.4.74-18.20-default
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I would surmise you didn’t set the time period to ‘never expire’ default is a week… then they are deleted

Ooooooooooooh. Gulp. Whoops!


If you redo the images and set never expire and PM me the links I can edit your posts to add them back…

That’s great Malcolm – thank you for your edits which reinstated my pics.

I’m still disappointed for the OP however; i hoped my suggestions would have helped, & a bit puzzled that they didn’t [given that they do work for me]. Of course, i use TW but the OP uses Leap… does Leap handle those parameters differently to TW perhaps?