missing after attempt to fix onboard ati card

After I tried to make my onboard video card (radeon x1250) work with openGL (I didn’t succeed), it went bad.

I get this error when I attempt to start VirtualBox:

VirtualBox: supR3HardenedMainGetTrustedMain: dlopen(“/usr/lib/virtualbox/”,) failed: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Other software also misbehave. Any suggestions on how to “reset” the video drivers?

I would go into yast and search for the package that provides the library in the error. Then I would reinstall that package.

Hum… I don’t quite know how I managed to do this, but it seems that the missing library it is part of AMD Catalyst. Which I’m unable to reinstall, since it doesn’t work with my kernel, it says.

I also tried to uninstall radeonHD and reinstall. But it didn’t work. So I uninstalled and rebooted, and nothing has changed.