Let's talk Qt 4.5

I wanted everyone to tell something about their experience with Qt 4.5 and KDE 4.2.2

I installed it today since i’ve heard it fixes the systray corruption and it does BUT there is some weird behaviour and i want everyone to share their experience with people.

-no more systray corruption
-yet to find any other differences between Qt 4.4 and 4.5

-try to use YaST Boot Loader–>> Section Management–>> when you click any section it goes to settings instead of only highlighting it and i’m not use but it happens in other places too.
-when you’re asked for a password (like using kdesu) and you put a wrong one then the window where you put the password goes very thin
-system monitor, search window is very thin

P.S. Where should i file a bug with it :)??
P.S.2 Share your experience to convince others to use Qt 4.4 or Qt 4.5;)

Last time I used Qt 4.5, I couldn’t view sysinfo:/ in konqueror. It would cause konqueror to crash. This was with kde 4.2.2 and also with kde 4.3.

That’s the only negative experience I’ve had with it. Everything else was smooth sailing :slight_smile:

I’m not sure if that’s fixed yet or not though.


Hmm, i’m using sysinfo with no problems at all (i have the upstream branding though).

By the way, what about the CONS i wrote about? Do you also encounter them?

Is this thread about Qt 4.5 out of the main Qt repo? Or out of the Qt45 repo? That may account for some of the difference between people’s experiences. I use the main Qt repo.

I’ve never had sysinfo refuse to work for me. I can attest to the not-quite-as-tall search bar issues and the one-click=double-click action in some YaST modules though.

I don’t know what the difference is between the main repo and the Qt45 repo. I use the one from download.opensuse.org/repositories/KDE:/Qt45.

I had the problem with sysinfo:/ before but after I did some KDE4 and X11 updates it went away. I haven’t had any problems with YaST but I do have the thin entry fields that were mentioned.

You can file bugs at bugzilla.novell.com

The main Qt repo contains version 4.4.3 Qt while Qt45 contains Qt in version 4.5.0.

Perhaps we’re talking about different repositories. The primary repo for openSUSE 11.1 (Main OSS) does use Qt 4.4. However, the main Qt repo here shows Qt 4.5:

Index of /repositories/KDE:/Qt/openSUSE_11.1/x86_64

This repo is not a duplicate of the Qt45 repo which follows Qt development more closely, and then will reflect its last revisions when Qt 4.6 goes stable and KDE on openSUSE is built against that. The main Qt repo linked to above is like the ‘recommended version’ of Qt for the OBS KDE4 builds (recommended is in scare quotes since the whole ‘KDE4 from the OBS’ strategy is not officially supported). The others are more for developers.

As for Qt 4.5 I also encounter all those cons you’ve posted except for the system monitor search bar being small. I’m permanently using KDE 4.3 “1.3” now though so it might be different with 4.2. Also sysinfo:/ works again!
