Leap15.5 and old wifi device (laptop Cpmpaq NX7300)

Leap15.5 and old wifi device (laptop Cpmpaq NX7300)
Fresh install Leap15.5.
Result - no wifi :slight_smile:

lspci | grep -i bCM43
10:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g

What is the right way to make WiFi working in such a device + Leap15.5 ?

Your old thread doesn’t help?

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Just did a fresh install of Leap15.5.
Then added Packman repo.
I saw that the wifi is not working (it is not).
So far I haven’t changed anything in the system. I decided to ask on the forum - suddenly something has changed or some recommendations have appeared.


I am not sure I follow you, if something did not work out-of-the box for you 0n 15.4 I am not surprised it does not work out-of-the box for a fresh 15.5 install. I expect the same steps you took for 15.4 also work for 15.5.

Broadcom and Realtek wifi code are not FOSS and cannot be distributed with OpenSUSE but Sauerland does have them for 15.5.

They are in available for 15.5 here:


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Packman also…

They are the same as mine.
So no need for an /home Repo…

in Packman i see broadcom-wl-kmp-default
by openSUSE Leap 15.5
only from:

by openSUSE Tumbleweed
and from:

I’m talking about open source Leap15.5 :slight_smile;)

Yes this https://forums.opensuse.org/u/bin123 by OpenSuees15.5 = Good choise !

zypper se -s r8168-kmp broadcom-wl-kmp | grep -i packman
v  | broadcom-wl-kmp-default           | Paket | | x86_64 | Packman_Aachen
v  | broadcom-wl-kmp-default           | Paket | | x86_64 | Packman
   | broadcom-wl-kmp-default-debuginfo | Paket | | x86_64 | Packman_Aachen
   | broadcom-wl-kmp-default-debuginfo | Paket | | x86_64 | Packman
v  | r8168-kmp-default                 | Paket | 8.051.02_k5.14.21_150500.53-150500.2.pm.2       | x86_64 | Packman_Aachen
v  | r8168-kmp-default                 | Paket | 8.051.02_k5.14.21_150500.53-150500.2.pm.2       | x86_64 | Packman
   | r8168-kmp-default-debuginfo       | Paket | 8.051.02_k5.14.21_150500.53-150500.2.pm.2       | x86_64 | Packman_Aachen
   | r8168-kmp-default-debuginfo       | Paket | 8.051.02_k5.14.21_150500.53-150500.2.pm.2       | x86_64 | Packman

There was one Packman Repo more as I want, I have 2 Packman Repos configurated, but only one enabled.

So I found a third one which I have deleted…

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Sorry wrong url.

right is: