Leap 42.3 TeX: Biber probably broken.

Processing a bibliography with a bibitem containig an ISBN, biber immediately exits.
This behaviour did not occur with leap 42.2.

Software versions: Leap 42.3 with biber 2.5.
Here is a minimum example to reproduce the behaviour.

File mini.tex

% File mini.tex
References of Bibitems with an URL like~\cite{Riha:Physica} lead to an
immediate abort of biber.


File mini.bib

  Author = {Riha, Ortrun},
  Title = {Heilsame Schöpfung - Die natürliche Wirkkraft der Natur: Physica},
  Publisher = {Beuroner Kunstverlag},
  Year = {2012},
  ISBN = {3870712716},

File runmini.sh

pdflatex mini
biber --debug mini
pdflatex mini

(I know the recommendations of the TeX community to use an actual TeX live instead of the version delivered with OpenSuSE leap.)

To me, this looks like a bug.

Try compile it using Kile. I think that is better to find where the error is.

I’m sorry, I can’t see what this would be good for. The problem is definitely not with TeX.
When you remove the ISBN entry from the bibliography, biber works fine. When you let it there, biber quits without an error line.

Filed a bug report.

I have the same problem with Biber not doing anything without an error message in Leap 42.3. Could you point me to your bug report? Incidentally, did you find a fix?