In Leap 42.1, how should the software apper be disabled? There appears to be no method from the KDE desktop configuration.
In Leap 42.1, how should the software apper be disabled? There appears to be no method from the KDE desktop configuration.
Normally, in 42.1, it is not “Apper”. It is a different update applet.
Right click on the tray, and select the option “System Tray Settings”.
You should see, under “Extra Items”, an entry for “Software Updates”. Uncheck the box for that, and save the changes.
Thank you, Mr. Rickert, your recommendation proved good. Problem solved. Thanks for your prompt response.
Wow, I would never ever look in that place. They must have hid it on purpose, I swear!
The other puzzle about that “refurbished Apper” that brought me here is its update policy. No matter whether I select daily, weekly or monthly check, it always pops up on session start and repeats often (each hour, I suppose). Why is that?
And the last puzzle. I always wondered why openSUSE delivers this excessive technology by default, when it has its own highly-integrated and perfectly working YaST Online Update, — it is like having several antiviruses and firewalls on the same machine running at the same time. Nevertheless, it was possible to disable Apper in earlier openSUSE releases, or to completely uninstall its package (and mark it as taboo for not getting it reinstalled back accidentally). But in Leap 42.1 the plasma5-pk-updates package is required by fundamental KDE-Plasma and KDE-Imaging patterns and therefore must be kept in system at all times, unless the user switches to another desktop environment. Is not it too much for an optional package that duplicates the functionality of a native one?