What you can do, before entering any personal data ( emailaddresses ) and before entering the new user accounts, is to copy config files to /etc/skel/folder where you find them in your homedir. AFAIK /etc/skel is copied when creating the new user’s homedir.
It does, but you have to look into the package. It requires none of the plasma5 packages, but does require libkde4-devel . Also, it writes config data in ~/.kde4, instead of ~/.config.
Well, stupid … You could do that, but ~/.config also contains the akonadi resources, the email* files. Remove those, create a test user and see what happens.
.local files I have copied in /etc/skel http://paste.opensuse.org/57560621To find which files are useful, I have open all ‘.config’ files in kate and see what files are modified when an application is modified by setup action.
Hope it is sufficient.