Leap 15.6 - Repo Error(s) During Install/Yast2


I have done a clean install on my new Dell Latitude 5550 running Win 11 Pro dual-boot with Leap 15.6.

I set up the Network Connection so it appears to be working.

The Installer threw up an error when trying to add/update the online repos.
Screenshot is attached.

The SLE repo is not working or found at the Australian (AU) mirror.

I managed to get past this but Yast updater now can’t find any SLE updates.

Is there a generic mirror I can access?

Many thanks,


You may use https://mirrors.opensuse.org/ to choose a specific mirror that works reliably to reconfigure your repo URLs. Closest mirrors are often not the best choice.

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Such errors are usually transient. At least when I go to mirrorcache-au now, all looks OK.


Thanks all.

I got it going after a number of retries…
Not sure if it’s connection related or the mirror didn’t like so many updates going on at once.


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