Leap 15.6 and windows corefonts

I recently installed Leap 15.6 as dual boot to windows.

For using “windows corefonts” (times new roman etc.) it still seems necessary to install that manually.
I found different (older) topics about that (nothing about Leap 15.6), some of them describing possible bad effects to the desktop…

Maybe somebody can advice a newbie what I can safely do/ install?


I simply copy the .ttf or .otf files to /usr/local/share/fonts/. /usr/local/ as installed is only a skeleton of empty directories, made for locally installed stuff to be accessible to all system users, and is not written to otherwise by most distributions, including openSUSE. If any particular font seems to cause a problem, simply remove the file(s) providing it and restart.

You describe the experienced user’s way - which I did on Windows.
But as my “leap” is a bigger one (from SuSE Linux 5.2 to openSUSE 15.6)
my knowledge is gone and I have to to careful steps.
(I can’t assess with file source is reliable, and about the side effects of your way).
What would be the “official”, safe way? :slight_smile:

I amy miss something here, but “official” would not have any knowledge about “windows corefonts” I assume. I also do not know what you mean with this (but I admit I know almost nothing from windows, but hey, this is a Linux distributions user forum).

So as far as I am concerned, you should name fonts you want by name. But it might be better to start YaST > Software > Software Manager and type font in the search filed. It will give you many fonts that can be installed.

Probably you got me wrong :slight_smile:
I meant that having to deal with Windows for a long time I would do the “experienced” way
@mrmazda kindly provided there, but at my actual newbie state I do not dare to do that kind
of things at openSUSE.
I need these legacy MS corefonts, due to all the documents from windows.

You proposed YaST - I tried that first place - but there is nothing about that…

But what are those, I doubt very much they are called like that in the Linux environment. They should have proper names.

About what? Please describe exact and precise what you did and what you got.

# zypper info fetchmsttfonts
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Information for package fetchmsttfonts:
Repository     : OSS
Name           : fetchmsttfonts
Version        : 12.0-bp155.2.9
Arch           : noarch
Vendor         : openSUSE
Installed Size : 22.6 KiB
Installed      : No
Status         : not installed
Source package : fetchmsttfonts-12.0-bp155.2.9.src
Upstream URL   : https://corefonts.sourceforge.net/
Summary        : Helper package to download Microsoft Core fonts for the Web
Description    :
    This package contains a helper script that downloads and installs
    a number of TrueType fonts collectively known as corefonts, or the
    Core fonts for the Web. Originally made available my Micosoft under
    a non-free End-user licence agreement (EULA), they continue to be
    distributed subject to the same licence terms. The user is shown
    a copy of the licence text upon execution.

    The Core fonts for the Web include: Arial, Arial Black, Andale Mono,
    Monotype, Courier New, Comic Sans MS, Georgia, Impact, Times New
    Roman, Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Webdings.

I doubt it differs materially in 15.6, but these look like the traditional fonts since pre-XP years. If you need the W7+ fonts you may have to copy font files from a windows installation. Leap does have some workalikes, such as:

# zypper info google-carlito-fonts
Information for package google-carlito-fonts:
Repository     : OSS
Name           : google-carlito-fonts
Version        : 1.1.03.beta1-1.22
Arch           : noarch
Vendor         : SUSE LLC <https://www.suse.com/>
Installed Size : 2.6 MiB
Installed      : No
Status         : not installed
Source package : google-carlito-fonts-1.1.03.beta1-1.22.src
Upstream URL   : https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chromeos-localmirror/distfiles/
Summary        : Sans-serif Font Metrics-compatible with Calibri
Description    :
    Modern, friendly sans-serif font derived from the Lato font that is
    designed to be a metrics-compatible drop-in replacement for Calibri.
    Contains Regular, Bold, Italic, and Bold Italic version.

    Designed by Lukasz Dziedzic of tyPoland for Google.

Installing fetchmsttfonts did the job!

Plus “google-caladea-fonts” –

 > LANG=C zypper info google-caladea-fonts
Information for package google-caladea-fonts:
Repository     : Haupt-Repository
Name           : google-caladea-fonts
Version        : 1.002-1.22
Arch           : noarch
Vendor         : SUSE LLC <https://www.suse.com/>
Installed Size : 235.9 KiB
Installed      : Yes (automatically)
Status         : up-to-date
Source package : google-caladea-fonts-1.002-1.22.src
Upstream URL   : https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chromeos-localmirror/distfiles/
Summary        : Sans-serif Font Metrics-compatible with Cambria
Description    : 
    Workhorse serif font that is designed to be a metrics-compatible drop-in
    replacement for Cambria.
    Contains Regular, Bold, Italic, and Bold Italic version.

    Designed by Huerta Típografica for Google.


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