LaTeX can't find installed packages

I’ve installed some texlive-* packages but I can’t use them. For example, texlive-xypic:

sudo zypper install texlive-latex  # installs OK

sudo zypper install texlive-xypic  # installs OK

cat test.tex
# \documentclass{article} \usepackage{xy} \begin{document} \end{document}

pdflatex test.tex
# ...
# ! LaTeX Error: File `xy.sty' not found. 

I can see where xy.sty is installed. What am I missing for pdflatex to find it?

find /usr/share/texmf -name "xy.sty"

There’s a script that updates a database. It is usually called automatically after installing latex. I’m not sure of the script name at the moment, but that probably needs to be run.

Thanks for the tip. I found the command to update the database:

texhash /usr/share/texmf