Latest TW update - /boot/grub2/x86_64-efi/bli.mod not found

I do a weekly “sudo zypper dup --no-allow-vendor-change”. With the latest update on 2024-10-11, I get the error while booting:

“error: …/…/grub-core/fs/btrfs.c:2159:file /boot/grub2/x86-64_efi/bli.mod not found”
Booting openeSUSE Tumbleweed

Then it loads Linux 6.11.2-1-default and the system runs as usual. The error persist with every boot. Could this be related to the recent announcements?

Does someone have similar issues with the recent update?

try grub2-install /dev/“your boot dev/part”

Yes. You should open bug report on, same user/password as here, select Bootloader component.

There were other related issues all stemming from the fact that system now attempts to setup BLI where it should not. Not everyone closely watches boot screen, so others may simply miss this error.

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