Laravel vhost

Can someone give me some pointer on setting a vhost for my Laravel installation
Much appreciated

Looks like you have numerous options for installing/deploying Laravel,
A reasonable place to start is

Option 1
Install all the dependencies (requirements) listed on the page, If you want to do this, then I recommend starting by installing the LAMP pattern

zypper in -t pattern lamp

And then locate the packages you need to install… You can try searching for packages using YaST or probably better is to use the web search tool

Note that packages aren’t likely going to be named exactly the same as what is listed, you may need to try text fragments, enough to identify but not so much that valid packages are disqualified. I know, there’s no easy way to give you a hard rule that will always work so you should just do the best you can and post what you can’t find and install.

You’ll also need to install a package called “Composer” (might be “composer”) and using that the instructions say you can download and install Laravel.

If you’re the only person using Laravel, then you don’t need to set Laravel up on a proper Webserver like Apache, you can simply invoke it from anywhere and Laravel’s own stub of a webserver will automatically launch and you can use Laravel. No setup of a vhost required.

Option 2
You can do the above and install in an Apache or other webserver. This would be when you’d have to know how to set up and configure a vhost.

Option 3
You can use the provided Vagrant script to set up Laravel in a virtual machine. You’d need to install virtualization first. This might be one of the easier solutions but still has significant hurdles. Instructions are at

Other options
Pre-built docker containers can be found at dockerhub.
I see it available also as AppImage and Snap, but don’t see it as a Flatpak

I assume you just want a default install for now, and aren’t interested in various custom changes.

I’d recommend installing virtualization like Virtualbox and taking a bit to learn that first, then trying to install Laravel in a virtual machine so that any mistakes you make can easily be discarded without risking having to re-install your OS.


Thank you tsu2
Your info is appreciated