Laptop Touchpad Responsivness Issue

I just installed open suse 11.0 with KDE 3.5 on my laptop and need to know how to adjust the sensitivity and other mouse configurations for my touchpad. My mouse is soooooo out of whack I can hardly maneuver anywhere. I’ve tried YAST but it just lets me choose the mouse type but no configurations. Please help!

From K Menu, find personal settings and then go to hardware and to Mouse. You should able set it up from there. Let us know in case of any problem.

I have the same issue. I noticed I have 3 entries for a mouse. I only have a usb mouse and touchpad.

Also, I tried the 11.1 Alpha, it seems to have fixed this issue.

I had the same issue, but when I removed the extra pointing devices, it solved the problem and worked fine.