Lan Mouse (Wayland comaptible alternative to Input Leap/Waynergy/Synergy, etc.)

Hi! Everyone!

As Plasma 6 transitioned to Wayland by default, like other users, my regular workflow based around inputs sharing around Synergy broke.
There are forks and alternative clients developed (Input Leap, Waynergy), but they rely on bits (latest versions of Input Capture, Remote Desktop, libei/libeis, etc.) which are still in the process of being merged and released.

I’ve discovered Lan Mouse, and I’ve had some fun with OBS trying to package it.

It has been working for me with the stuff already present in Tumbleweed.


  • It relies on a different peer-to-peer UDP protocol, instead of client/server like the Synergy family of forks.
  • Only shares keyboard mouse
  • No clipboard yet
  • No encryption yet, so only use it on secure networks (and use rich rules firewalld’s rich rules to further restrict connections).
  • X11 can only receive events not send that (that also includes they don’t detect when your pointer leaves back out, you need to use the release bin keys (by default Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Super)