

I have installed LabPlot 1.6.0 in opensuse 11.1. However when I try use a Tex Label the following error message appear:

“Could not find texvc! Falling back to normal label.”

anyone knows how solve this problem?


texvc comes with MediaWiki; so just go to YaST>Software>Software Management and install MediaWiki

I have installed mediawiki-1.13.3-17.1.i586.rpm from home:Michael_Knight/openSUSE_11.1, however I have the same problem in the LabPlot :’(

npsilva wrote:

> I have installed mediawiki-1.13.3-17.1.i586.rpm from
> home:Michael_Knight/openSUSE_11.1, however I have the same problem in
> the LabPlot :’(

Just a very wild guess…

Maybe the problem is the location of the file.

whereis texvc

I think Mediawiki puts its files under /srv/www/htdocs/mediawiki/* and it is
possible that LabPlot is trying to find the binary under, i.e., /user/bin.

Why not contact LabPlot packager and ask? :slight_smile:

You can find the e-mail contact address in the “Changelog” tab of the rpm
(via YaST).



thanks, for the help! Problem solved.