Kwallet and KDE 4.10

Since going to 4.10 kwallet has been misbehaving. It asks to open, for kmail, even when kmail is not open. If I enter the pw here, it goes away as if all is OK, but the wallet IS NOT open. No mini icon in the task bar or notifications at this point. When I notice I have no new mail, I have to go:
configure desktop>account details>KDE wallet and disable the wallet. Then do again and enable the wallet, start walletmanager, open the wallet. Then it seems to work Anyone else had this? Should I file a bug? Should the bug be to opensuse or KDE?

KWallet is working fine here, my .kde4 folder was created at the time of KDE 4.6. I’ve seen something like this though at a friend after 12.2 install, where his homedir from a KUbuntu install was reused for openSUSE. We removed the kwallet files and folder from resp. ~/.kde4/share/config and ~/.kde4/share/apps and started with a clean config.
Another thing that comes to mind: How did you perform the upgrade to 4.10?

Ty Knurpht, I upgraded using Caf’s instruction, ie get repo’s, refresh, switch vendor, zypper up, delete KDE 4.9 repo’s
I don’t want to delete the wallet, in case I have forgotten some passwords! Surely the whole point of having a PW manager is so I don’t have to have my PW’s written down , monitor festooned with post-it notes etc etc!!

The more tedious but infallable ways of moving all your passwords to the fresh reinstall would of course be to write all of the username/passwords down from the existing configuration and then re-entering them in the new (do not forget to burn the paper aftewards ;)). But there is export/import functionality. Thus no need to be so negative about your brains forgetting passwords or about others forgetting what Kwallet is intended for.

But there is export/import functionality. Thus no need to be so negative about your brains forgetting passwords or about others forgetting what Kwallet is intended for.

But if the wallet is buggy, and stops working? And I have to delete it? Then where are my passwords?

Open the wallet, do File - Export. It will generate an XML file. Call it “exported”, the xml extension will be added automatically. Remember where you stored it.
Now, we’re gonna make copies of the wallet files and settings:

mkdir ~/WalletCopy
mkdir ~/WalletCopy/config
mkdir ~/WalletCopy/apps
cp ~/.kde4/share/config/kwallet* ~/WalletCopy/config
cp -r ~/.kde4/share/apps/kwallet ~/WalletCopy/apps

Now, you need to logout, in the login screen hit Ctrl-Alt-F1 to get to the console, login with your username and password (not root) and do:

rm ~/.kde4/share/config/kwallet* && rm -rf ~/.kde4/share/apps/kwallet

You old settings and passwords now have been removed. Hit Ctrl-D to logout, Ctrl-Alt-F7 to return to the login screen. Login.

Kwallet will now run it’s first use configuration. Set it to active, give a password etc. Now open the wallet, and run Import XML, pick the saved “exported.xml” file. That’s about it. Behaviour should be back to normal.

Many thanks! I will have crack at this,

I once borked my Kwallet configuration file(s) (the one with the encryptedpasswords in it. Restored it from the backup. Worked again. Why should this behaviour be very different from other applications?

It should not Henk, but then neither should it stop working for no reason at all.

Thanks Knurpht. I followed your advice… Made it worse. Now I have to leave the wallet* manager* open as well as the wallet itself, Before I had to manually open the manger, manually open the wallet, then I could close the manger, and the wallet would stay open. Now If I close the manager, the wallet snaps shut as well.

Closing the manager causing the wallet to close I have now solved, a setting in ‘configure desktop’ ‘close wallet when last application stops using it’, but the original problem still persists…