KVM Setup -- Bridge Network kills internet access

(No idea why the only tag that presented itself for 15.5 was “eol.”)

First, I followed this link:


I installed the KVM hypervisor and tools. FWIW, the little window offering to automatically set up a bridged network did NOT appear. I tried to install a Linux host, when I tried to start it, it refused, saying that the bridge network wasn’t valid. So … I tried the instructions at this link:


… and went through it carefully, step by step. The bridge is created, but as soon as it is, my Internet access is killed. It looks like creating the bridge clears the IP address from the primary network card that I want to bridge onto (em1 on my system). I’ve tried adding the IP address, that doesn’t seem to work.

As soon as I delete the bridge, everything comes back up.

I’m running Leap 15.5 on a Dell system with virtualization enabled, i5 processor, 16 gig of RAM. I’m using the Wicked Network manager with a static IP address on my local network. Thanks!

@smpoole7 Because its E(nd) O(f) L(ife) and no longer supported, repositories slowly being deleted etc, time for you to upgrade.

You need to upgrade first and see if problem persists.

Huh. I thought I had upgraded it. At any rate, I have a Lenovo laptop with Leap 15.6, and I decided to try it there. Don’t know if it will work, because the installer apparently doesn’t check which network manager you’re using (I forgot that I was using Net Manager on the laptop; I use Wicked on the 15.5 desktop). It installed everything, then bombed out when I tried to set up the bridge.

One other problem is that it’s VERY difficult to uninstall the stuff once it’s in place. I tried it on my desktop and went through all sorts of dependency issues. Some stuff remains broken. At present, I’m backing up and I plan to do a clean install of Leap 15.6. I’ll see if that fixes it.

Thanks, Matthew! Good to see Oscar again! :smile:

Correction: I hadn’t upgraded, but I had forgotten the 15.5 EOL date …

@smpoole7 also suggest switching to NetworkManager…

The automatic bridge configuration won’t work with Network Manager. In fact, it will tell you to use the Wicked manager. I’ve had other problems with NM in the past, anyway, which is why I chose Wicked.

I appreciate the advice about upgrading. It appeared to work under Leap 15.6! KVM is installed, the bridge is active and I’m about to install a guest OS under it. Thanks again!!!

@smpoole7 I use separate NIC’s setup as bridge devices here for my vm’s…

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