KVM no bootable device

I have installed KVM Hypervisor and KVM tools using yast. Using vir-manager, installed a guest all worked, however when I started the guest the next time I get this message

Booting from DVD/CD
Boot Failed Could not read from cdrom(code 0003)
No Bootable device

In the boot options there are only two options the CDROM or the Nic.

Having read the documentation I discover that you can install “Import from existing image” option. I did that and now I get this error message.

(initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live system

What have I missed?

Thank you for your help

It is hard to know what went wrong. Too little information.

If you installed a guest, then there should be a hard drive (a virtual hard drive) for the guest. And you should be booting from that virtual hard drive, if the guest was properly installed.

I have occasionally deleted a virtual machine, but told the delete command to not delete the allocated disk space (usually a “.qcow2” file). And I can then create a new virtual machine, and assign that “.qcow2” file as the disk space for the new virtual machine. That’s when I use the import function, so start the virtual machine from that assigned disk space. Of course, the way booting was setup for the guest in that “.qcow2” file must match the new virtual machine (BIOS or UEFI) for that to work.

Your error is caused because your bootup is pointing to a virtual cdrom that isn’t pointing to a valid device with optical disk or ISO file.

First question is how you’re starting your Guest…
Are you using the graphical virt-manager or by command line (eg virsh)?
If by virt-manager, probably simplest solution should be to simply go to your Guest properties, go to the storage devices, locate the virtual cdrom and uncheck the box that enables it to be connected on bootup.
If by command line, pls post your command.

Ordinarily, if nothing can be read from yuur virtual cdrom, ordinarily your Guest’s virtual bios should fall back to disk, but for some reason that doesn’t seem to be happening, but I don’t think that’s ordinarily important enough to troubleshoot, just disable the device on bootup as I described above should fix the problem.

This also suggests that your virtual cdrom is pointing to your real, physical cdrom for your installation.
If this is the case, I highly recommend for your convenience that you simply store your installation ISO files in a directory and simply point to those as needed for your installations, repairs, etc instead of real optical disks… ISO files are much faster,and more convenient than loading specific DVDs and CDs into your DVDROM.


I installed another guest but still have the same problem this time there is a virtual hd present… I think you are right about it being the BOIS UEFI. Is that problematic. Is there some documentation to help me. What other info can I supply to help?

I am using virt-manager.
I do have the iso’s on the hdd. during the creation of the guest I created a storage for them

I’m puzzled as to what you are doing.

Here’s the most common way that I setup a guest.

(1) I click the icon for “Create a new virtual machine”.
(2) I check the box “Local install media”
(3) I click “Forward”
(4) I click “Browse” and browse to the iso I wish to use in the install, and I “Choose volume”.
(5) If the operating system field shows “None detected”, then I uncheck the box for automatic detection, and enter generic (or similar).
(6) I click “Forward”
(7) I usually set to 2048M of memory and 2 cpus
(8) I click “Forward”
(9) I set the disk size (20G or sometimes 50G)
(10) I click “Forward”
(11) I type in a name for this VM.
(12) I possibly check the box “Customize configuration”. Then I click "Finish
(13) I do any customization – usually, that is changing from BIOS to UEFI firmware
(14) I click “Begin installation”

At this stage, it usually boots the install iso, and I proceed with the install. When done, it normally reboots into the newly installed system.

That’s exactly what I am doing. Except I do not change the BOIS to UEFI I accept the default. That will work, it is the next time I start it fails

Weird. It usually starts just fine for me, unless I messed up the install.

When you click on the information icon (looks like a letter “i” here, but previously looked like a light bulb) that should show the virtual machine configuration. If I look at boot options, it should show the virtual disk as first choice. On the VM that I examined, that is described as an IDE disk. But it could also show as a SATA disk or a Virtio disk.

There’s also a box for boot options, and I usually check that though it should boot up without checking that.

I had the same problem.

my machine’s language is spanish so i will write the menu options as they appear to me and in parenthesis what i would expect to read in a english language machine:

in KVM’s “gestor de maquinas virtuales” (VM manager) i went to “editar” (edit) then “detalles de la maquina virtual” (details of virtual machine).

a new window opens. here i go to “vista” (view) then “detalles” (details) and in the left pane i looked for “opciones de arranque” (boot options). There kvm had selected the option “virt IO disk”. I guess that is the disk of the virtual machine but that machine has not been installed yet, that causes the problem, i guess. I selected “SATA CD ROM” instead which i guess points to the ISO image.

After doing that the installation disk boots and you can install your guest OS. after installation you must set the boot option back to “Virt IO disk” so kvm boots your recently installed virtual machine not the installation disk again.

Hope it helps. Regards.