kvirc 4.2.0 on openSUSE 13.2 SASL authentication failures fix available


I’m using the stock kvirc (4.2.0) on openSUSE 13.2 and, since December, have had consistent SASL authentication failures when connection to chat.freenode.net. I finally found the source of the problem in the kvirc project bug tracker (see below). The problem has been fixed in SVN. What is the best way to request that this fix gets pulled into the regular 13.2 security updates?


                            **[Ticket #1483](https://svn.kvirc.de/kvirc/ticket/1483)           (closed Bug: fixed)**
   **SASL fallback to PLAIN mode fails if both 908 and 904 numerics are sent by server**


             Both 908 (RPL_SASLMECHS) and 904 (RPL_SASLFAILED) numerics are parsed through KviIrcServerParser::parseNumericSaslIdiocy. 
  inspircd will send *both* a 908 and a 904 message upon requesting  an unsupported SASL mechanism (unsure about other ircd's). This results  in the following failure sequence: 

  - KVIrc sends an unsupported AUTHENTICATE DH-BLOWFISH attempt 
  - 908 numeric received from server 
  - KviIrcServerParser::parseNumericSaslIdiocy is called 
  - It calls KviIrcConnection::handleAuthenticateFallback 
  - KviIrcConnection::handleAuthenticateFallback checks isInsideAuthenticateFallback(), which is **false**
; it therefore sets it to true and sends an AUTHENTICATE PLAIN message   - The next message received from the server is a 904 numeric 
  - KviIrcServerParser::parseNumericSaslIdiocy is called 
  - It calls KviIrcConnection::handleAuthenticateFallback 
  - KviIrcConnection::handleAuthenticateFallback checks isInsideAuthenticateFallback(), which is now **true**
; it therefore calls KviIrcConnection::endInitialCapNegotiation and terminates the CAP phase 

 Because the CAP phase is prematurely terminated before the fallback  handshake is complete, KVIrc continues with the normal registration  phase, and SASL authentication fails. 

I’m having the same problem (same build of kvirc and openSUSE) and I thought maybe I had it setup wrongly somewhere (though I followed a guide specific for kvirc in openSUSE for freenode) to no avail. At least now I know it was not my fault.
Right now I’m just using the normal autoidentify through the OnConnect tab in the server section (in a SSL server) but I would like as well to get this fixed sooner or later as I heard is better (more secure) than just sending the normal message as soon as I connect.