Krita Not Working in KDE 4.2.0...

I installed Krita (and its dependencies) from the Factory-Apps repository via YaST into my KDE 4.2.0 desktop. However, there was no icon to start it in Kickoff. Running it from a console window, I got the following output:

krita(7010)/koffice (lib komain): "krita" part.desktop not found.

krita(7010)/koffice (lib komain): Run 'kde4-config --path services' 
to see which directories were searched, 
assuming kde startup had the same environment as your current shell.

krita(7010)/koffice (lib komain): Check your installation (did you 
install KOffice in a different prefix 
than KDE, without adding the prefix to /etc/kderc ?)

:~> kde4-config --path services

kritapart.desktop does exist in /usr/share/kde4/services/

