knetworkmanager hangs at 28%

Last night I downloaded and installed Novell Desktop Linux. All went mostly well, and it installed in about an hour on my old IBM T22 laptop, robust little thing and I am pleased. I installed KDE and the software runs fast. Now an issue which I have googled and trolled through these formus has me stumped.

My wireless network card a Belkin F5d6020 is detected by suse, excellent, way better than Ubuntu, so great! However, when I click on it to connect to my DLINK router, it thinks for a while then hangs at 28%. I have to hold down the power button to restart!

So I cannot connect to the internet (unless of course I plug in a cable).

Now I have found loads of internet pages describing this problem from as far back as 2006 as being a bug etc, and here I am in September 2008 with EXACTLY the same issue. Come on Suse, surely there is a fix for this by now, I cannot find one anywhere. I even disabled knetworkmanager and used manual set up, but still cannot connect.

Kind help appreciated


I posted the below in the network/internet forum and think it should have gone here. Incidentally someone suggested that I use Ifup instead (I have done this) and then install and run KInternet (I havent done this)!

"Last night I downloaded and installed Novell Desktop Linux. All went mostly well, and it installed in about an hour on my old IBM T22 laptop, robust little thing and I am pleased. I installed KDE and the software runs fast. Now an issue which I have googled and trolled through these formus has me stumped.

My wireless network card a Belkin F5d6020 is detected by suse, excellent, way better than Ubuntu, so great! However, when I click on it to connect to my DLINK router, it thinks for a while then hangs at 28%. I have to hold down the power button to restart!

So I cannot connect to the internet (unless of course I plug in a cable).

Now I have found loads of internet pages describing this problem from as far back as 2006 as being a bug etc, and here I am in September 2008 with EXACTLY the same issue. Come on Suse, surely there is a fix for this by now, I cannot find one anywhere. I even disabled knetworkmanager and used manual set up, but still cannot connect.

Kind help appreciated"


On 09/10/2008 lesmiller wrote:
> Last night I downloaded and installed Novell Desktop Linux.

Which one exactly? Novell Linux Desktop, Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop, or Opensuse? If the latter, which version?


Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop 10

I thought id try that first but have discovered that I may as well have gone for opensuse 11.

Well, I changed to ifup and ran KInternet, it detects my wireless network and so obviously I click connect, and it hangs…! Hold power button down, turn off, power up and im sitting here wondering what to do now, quit KDE, use Gnome? I am quite frustrated, multiple system halts after a fresh install of Novell Linux Enterprise Desktop 10, and all that info on the Novell website saying it is almost a substitute for Vista, almost!!

providing the correct drivers installed, it should connect.Try changing the channel on the router,as it may be interference stopping the connection


ok, now after I edit the manual settings in YaST I click to finish and it hangs when writing /etc/modprobe.conf, so after doing this 3 times I am stumped again.

I changed the channel on my wireless router but this has not effect, sorry.

another update!

I can see my wireless in KInternet and when I click connect it doesnt hang, asks for my encryption code and then spends time thinking until saying that it there is no association with the accesspoint.

I have discovered that my wireless card is not associated with the AP, something to do with a mac address not being specified. I dont know how to do this.

I guess what frustrates me about this is that there doesnt seem to be a wiki for these issues, like on say, where the wiki is great. I have spent prolly 15hrs so far trying to connect with my wireless card.

Anyhow, im not doing very well, so any help is appreciated!

  • lesmiller,

you are off-topic here. SLED is being dealt with on, since it is Novell’s Linux Enterprise desktop.


Try disabling any encrption on your wlan for a while and see if it connects

Sorry for being off topic here. I was in the novell forum and clicked a link there for here! I had to log in here with my same novell username.

Anyway, I have posted there, but it seems most of those postings get ignored.

I think I will just install opensuse 11, just quicker that way I think.

Well if you don’t want assistance with SLED, please show some courtesy
and post in the SLED forum that it is not required? And yes there are a
few of us that do help in both areas when we can. If you have a valid
SLE subscription then log a support case?

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE 11.0 x86 Kernel
up 2 days 15:10, 3 users, load average: 0.00, 0.03, 0.11
GPU GeForce 6600 TE/6200 TE - Driver Version: 173.14.12

Golly, i didnt intend to upset anyone, I have posted in SLED, and hope someone helps, I thought Novell would like to take my money and help me make SLED work, so ill see what happens. If I cannot get it working I will install opensuse 11. I just didnt see the difference between the two, Novell and opensuse. On the Novell forums page is an option to click and log into this forum. I had a call from Novell who also suggested I do the same, they said try all the forums, opensuse included, Im real confused now.

Of all the frustration I have had with wireless set up we now delve into politics. All I want to do is get suse working!! In this thread I have been told off twice!

Anyone still willing to help???

Don’t apologize, just a bit of a rant from me… (for which i
apologize). Now if you want to try SLED please confirm, as I will
install KDE (I use Gnome on SLED and openSUSE) and try and assist.

SLED is based on openSUSE 10.1 so a few releases back from 11.0 :slight_smile:

In any case (for SLED or openSUSE), please read the sticky at the
beginning of this Forum and run through the commands to identify the

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE 11.0 x86 Kernel
up 2 days 18:00, 1 user, load average: 0.08, 0.07, 0.02
GPU GeForce 6600 TE/6200 TE - Driver Version: 173.14.12

Which form of encryption are you using? I ask because I’ve seen this resolved by fixing errors associated with that, but vague in memory.

Actually, goto Yast’s NIC configurator and tell what is in the slots on the page for wireless encryption, like on mine I have:
Operating mode: managed
Network name: whatever
Authentication mode: WEP - open
Key input type: Hexadecimal
Key: 02E6DAA8EE

What do you have. It could be quite different from mine, but the folks should see the intricacies.

Hi Malcolm, sorry I was getting frustrated, thanks so much for replying.

I do want to stay with SLED, so that would be good if you can help. I have been thinking of changing to Gnome on SLED, just think I need to put the DVD back in and install it. But at this stage I like KDE.

I followed through the sticky and ran all the commands.
/usr/sbin/iwconfig shows my wireless device and ESSID.
‘sudo /usr/sbin/iwlist scan’ shows everyting too, I can post this later today (I am at work as a lawyer, I do IT here too!)

Although my wireless is not associated with any AP, seems when I right click KInternet and click DLINK (my AP) it shows that it is not associated, so cliking the ‘connect’ button isnt going to work.

My YaSTs settings are the same:
Operating mode: managed
Network name: DLINK
Authentication mode: WEP - open
Key input type: Hexadecimal
Key: 14389feadb

thanks so much for your help, I do appreciate it.


Are there any other AP’s in the vicinity from the scan? Can you connect
without any encryption? Also have a look at /var/log/messages as there
maybe some output there.

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE 11.0 x86 Kernel
up 2 days 19:33, 1 user, load average: 0.01, 0.09, 0.15
GPU GeForce 6600 TE/6200 TE - Driver Version: 173.14.12

There are other AP’s in the vicinity, very weak ones occasionally.

I havent tried to connect without encryption but will tonight.

I will also look at var/log/messages and post what I find.

Thanks again!

That combination doesn’t usually precipitate the thing I was thinking about – so can’t help

(except perhaps – isn’t the HEX supposed to be upper case?)

hmmm uppercase, well i dont normally but i will try uppercase. I have this Ipod Touch which I take places and always type in the encryption lower case!

Thanks again!