Kmail fails to display message, akonadiserver errors

Kmail Version 5.17.3 (21.04.3)

Kmail no longer displays e-mail message text. Header details like Subject, Date, From and To are there but no message text.

Kmail also no longer retrieves new messages.

A possible clue are akonadiserver errors I can see:

[xxx@yyy ~]$ akonadictl restart
org.kde.pim.akonadictl: Starting Akonadi Server...
org.kde.pim.akonadictl:    done.
Connecting to deprecated signal QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)
[xxx@yyy ~]$ org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: Starting up the Akonadi Server...
akonadi.collectionattributetable                   OK
akonadi.collectionmimetyperelation                 OK
akonadi.collectionpimitemrelation                  OK
akonadi.collectiontable                            OK
akonadi.flagtable                                  OK
akonadi.mimetypetable                              OK
akonadi.parttable                                  OK
akonadi.parttypetable                              OK
akonadi.pimitemflagrelation                        OK
akonadi.pimitemtable                               OK
akonadi.pimitemtagrelation                         OK
akonadi.relationtable                              OK
akonadi.relationtypetable                          OK
akonadi.resourcetable                              OK
akonadi.schemaversiontable                         OK
akonadi.tagattributetable                          OK
akonadi.tagremoteidresourcerelationtable           OK
akonadi.tagtable                                   OK
akonadi.tagtypetable                               OK
org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: Running DB initializer
org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: DB initializer done
Connecting to deprecated signal QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)
org.kde.pim.akonadicontrol: Akonadi server is now operational.
org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: New notification connection (registered as Akonadi::Server::NotificationSubscriber(0x7fbf6c003f20) )
org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: New notification connection (registered as Akonadi::Server::NotificationSubscriber(0x7fbf6c0104e0) )
org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: Subscriber Akonadi::Server::NotificationSubscriber(0x7fbf6c003f20) identified as "ETMCalendarMonitor - 94644443239184"
org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: New notification connection (registered as Akonadi::Server::NotificationSubscriber(0x7fbf6c0613a0) )
org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: New notification connection (registered as Akonadi::Server::NotificationSubscriber(0x7fbf6c014010) )
org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: New notification connection (registered as Akonadi::Server::NotificationSubscriber(0x7fbf6c015b80) )
org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: New notification connection (registered as Akonadi::Server::NotificationSubscriber(0x7fbf6c015040) )
org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: DATABASE ERROR:
org.kde.pim.akonadiserver:   Error code: "1292"
org.kde.pim.akonadiserver:   DB error:  "Incorrect datetime value: '2021-08-08T16:44:49Z' for column `akonadi`.`pimitemtable`.`atime` at row 1"
org.kde.pim.akonadiserver:   Error text: "Incorrect datetime value: '2021-08-08T16:44:49Z' for column `akonadi`.`pimitemtable`.`atime` at row 1 QMYSQL: Unable to execute query"

This seems to be a known problem:
(from the mailing lists) #1189187 duplicate

the offending package is libmariadb3-3.2.3-1.1.x86_64 . As a workaround I downgraded to the leap version and that made akonadi come back again.

Hi, could you please explain how you did that cause I’m having the same problems and the ones you describe. I have no clue how to downgrade.

I locked mariadb and upgraded:

**3400G:~ #** zypper locks 

# | Name                  | Type    | Repository | Comment 
1 | libmariadb3           | package | (any)      |  
2 | mariadb               | package | (any)      |  
3 | mariadb-client        | package | (any)      |  
4 | mariadb-errormessages | package | (any)      |  

**3400G:~ #** 

Thank you Karl, I saw there were some updates and one of them was a new libmariadb. After installation the POP e-mail address works fine: I can see the contents of the mail, new mail is fetched, all is well.
I also have a second account which is an outlook 365 account which we use at the office. Here no new mail was fetched and I couldn’t see the contents of the e-mails which were No HTML mails. I then opened the outlook365 webpage and looked at the mails there after which Kmail also retrieved them. Have to keep looking at this, but also when this doesn’t work it is not so bad, it’s more a nice to have thing.

Thank you for letting me know there was an update.