Unter OpenSUSE Tumbleweed +KDE und Medienwiedergabe (YT oder Medienspieler der Wahl):
Wenn ich Akregator und oder KMail öffne, bekomme ich extrem verzerrten Sound. Es hört sich blechern wie ein kaputter Lautsprecher an und ich hab einen Soundversatatz von ca. 3 Sekunden und zum Teil doppelte Ausgabe. Der Fehler geht nach Beenden der beiden Programme nach ca.5 Sekunden weg. Passiert zuverlässig jedes mal. Wenn nichts läuft, ist auch nichts zu hören.
Liferea + Thunderbird (oder irgendwelche anderen Apps) verursachen diesen Fehler nicht. Unter Wayland hab ich keinen Sound-Fehler.
Da ich gerade mal eine Woche bei OpenSUSE bin, stell ich mal dumm die Frage im Forum, ob da jemand das auch hat/te und eine Lösung parat hat. Stört schon etwas sehr und ich habs auf anderen Distros mit KDE nicht so erlebt.
Vermutlich indem du alle “AddModule” Zeilen in /etc/speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf aus kommentierst, speziell:
#AddModule "espeak" "sd_espeak" "espeak.conf"
(die anderen sollten sowieso inaktiv sein)
Allerdings sollte ein Starten von speech-dispatcher eigentlich nicht das von dir beschriebene Verhalten zeigen…
Da ist evtl. etwas falsch konfiguriert.
Benutzt du PulseAudio oder nicht?
Poste bitte mal die Datei /etc/speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf .
# Global configuration for Speech Dispatcher
# ==========================================
# -----SYSTEM OPTIONS-----
# CommunicationMethod specifies the method to be used by Speech Dispatcher to communicate with
# its clients. Two basic methods are "unix_socket" and "inet_socket".
# unix_socket -- communication over Unix sockets represented by a file in the
# filesystem (see SocketPath below). This method works only locally, but is
# prefered for standard session setup, where every user runs his own instance of Speech
# Dispatcher to get voice feedback on his own computer.
# inet_socket -- alternatively, you can start Speech Dispatcher on
# a TCP port and connect to it via hostname/port. This allows for a more
# flexible setup, where you can use Speech Dispatcher over network
# from different machines. See also the Port and LocalhostAccessOnly
# configuration variables.
# CommunicationMethod "unix_socket"
# SocketPath is either "default" or a full path to the filesystem
# where the driving Unix socket file should be created in case the
# CommunicationMethod is set to "unix_socket". The default is
# $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/speech-dispatcher/speechd.sock where $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
# is the directory specified by the XDG Base Directory Specification.
# Do not change this unless you have a reason and know what you are doing.
# SocketPath "default"
# The Port on which Speech Dispatcher should be available to clients if the "inet_socket"
# communication method is used.
# Port 6560
# By default, if "inet_socket" communication method is used, the specified port is opened only
# for connections coming from localhost. If LocalhostAccessOnly is set to 0 it disables this
# access control. It means that the port will be accessible from all computers on the
# network. If you turn off this option, please make sure you set up some system rules on what
# computers are and are not allowed to access the Speech Dispatcher port.
# LocalhostAccessOnly 1
# By default, Speech Dispatcher is configured to shut itself down after a period of
# time if no clients are connected. The timeout value is in seconds, and is started when
# the last client disconnects. A value of 0 disables the timeout.
# Timeout 5
# The LogLevel is a number between 0 and 5 specifying the
# verbosity of information to the logfile or screen
# 0 means nothing, 5 means everything (not recommended).
LogLevel 3
# The LogDir specifies where the Speech Dispatcher logs reside
# Specify "stdout" for standard console output
# or a custom log directory path. 'default' means
# the logs are written to the default destination (e.g. a preconfigured
# system directory or the home directory if .speech-dispatcher is present)
# DO NOT COMMENT OUT THIS OPTION, leave as "default" for standard logging
LogDir "default"
#LogDir "/var/log/speech-dispatcher/"
#LogDir "stdout"
# The CustomLogFile allows logging all messages # regardless of
# priority, to the given destination.
#CustomLogFile "protocol" "/var/log/speech-dispatcher/speech-dispatcher-protocol.log"
# ----- VOICE PARAMETERS -----
# The DefaultRate controls how fast the synthesizer is going to speak.
# The value must be between -100 (slowest) and +100 (fastest), default
# is 0.
# DefaultRate 0
# The DefaultPitch controls the pitch of the synthesized voice. The
# value must be between -100 (lowest) and +100 (highest), default is
# 0.
# DefaultPitch 0
# The DefaultVolume controls the default volume of the voice. It is
# a value between -100 (softly) and +100 (loudly). Currently, +100
# maps to the default volume of the synthesizer.
DefaultVolume 100
# The DefaultVoiceType controls which voice type should be used by
# default. Voice types are symbolic names which map to particular
# voices provided by the synthesizer according to the output module
# configuration. Please see the synthesizer-specific configuration
# in etc/speech-dispatcher/modules/ to see which voices are assigned to
# different symbolic names. The following symbolic names are
# currently supported: MALE1, MALE2, MALE3, FEMALE1, FEMALE2, FEMALE3,
# DefaultVoiceType "MALE1"
# The Default language with which to speak
# DefaultLanguage "en"
# The DefaultClientName specifies the name of a client who didn't
# introduce himself at the beginning of an SSIP session.
# DefaultClientName "unknown:unknown:unknown"
# The Default Priority. Use with caution, normally this shouldn't be
# changed globally (at this place)
# DefaultPriority "text"
# The DefaultPauseContext specifies by how many index marks a speech
# cursor should return when resuming after a pause. This is roughly
# equivalent to the number of sentences before the place of the
# execution of pause that will be repeated.
# DefaultPauseContext 0
# The DefaultPunctuationMode sets the way dots, comas, exclamation
# marks, question marks etc. are interpreted. none: they are ignored
# some: some of them are sent to synthesis (see
# DefaultPunctuationSome) all: all punctuation marks are sent to
# synthesis
# DefaultPunctuationMode "none"
# The DefaultCapLetRecognition: if set to "spell", capital letters
# should be spelled (e.g. "capital b"), if set to "icon",
# capital letters are indicated by inserting a special sound
# before them but they should be read normally, it set to "none"
# capital letters are not recognized (by default)
# DefaultCapLetRecognition "none"
# The DefaultSpelling: if set to On, all messages will be spelt
# unless set otherwise (this is usually not something you want to do.)
# DefaultSpelling Off
# ----- AUDIO CONFIGURATION -----------
# Chooses between the possible sound output systems:
# "pulse" - PulseAudio
# "alsa" - Advanced Linux Sound System
# "oss" - Open Sound System
# "nas" - Network Audio System
# "libao" - A cross platform audio library
# Pulse audio is the default and recommended sound server. OSS and ALSA
# are only provided for compatibility with architectures that do not
# include Pulse Audio. NAS provides network transparency, but is not
# very well tested. libao is a cross platform library with plugins for
# different sound systems and provides alternative output for Pulse Audio
# and ALSA as well as for other backends.
AudioOutputMethod "pulse"
# -- Pulse Audio parameters --
# Pulse audio server name or "default" for the default pulse server
#AudioPulseServer "default"
#AudioPulseMinLength 100
# -- ALSA parameters --
# Audio device for ALSA output
#AudioALSADevice "default"
# -- OSS parameters --
# Audio device for OSS output
#AudioOSSDevice "/dev/dsp"
# -- NAS parameters --
# Route to the Network Audio System server when NAS
# is chosen for the audio output. Note that NAS
# server doesn't need to run on your machine,
# you can use it also over network (for instance
# when working on remote machines).
#AudioNASServer "tcp/localhost:5450"
# Each AddModule line loads an output module.
# Syntax: AddModule "name" "binary" "configuration" "logfile"
# - name is the name under which you can access this module
# - binary is the path to the binary executable of this module,
# either relative (to lib/speech-dispatcher-modules/) or absolute
# - configuration is the path to the config file of this module,
# either relative (to etc/speech-dispatcher/modules/) or absolute
#AddModule "espeak-ng" "sd_espeak" "espeak.conf"
#AddModule "espeak-ng" "sd_espeak-ng" "espeak-ng.conf"
#AddModule "festival" "sd_festival" "festival.conf"
#AddModule "flite" "sd_flite" "flite.conf"
#AddModule "ivona" "sd_ivona" "ivona.conf"
#AddModule "pico" "sd_pico" "pico.conf"
#AddModule "espeak-generic" "sd_generic" "espeak-generic.conf"
#AddModule "espeak-mbrola-generic" "sd_generic" "espeak-mbrola-generic.conf"
#AddModule "swift-generic" "sd_generic" "swift-generic.conf"
#AddModule "epos-generic" "sd_generic" "epos-generic.conf"
#AddModule "dtk-generic" "sd_generic" "dtk-generic.conf"
#AddModule "pico-generic" "sd_generic" "pico-generic.conf"
#AddModule "ibmtts" "sd_ibmtts" "ibmtts.conf"
#AddModule "cicero" "sd_cicero" "cicero.conf"
# DO NOT REMOVE the following line unless you have
# a specific reason -- this is the fallback output module
# that is only used when no other modules are in use
AddModule "dummy" "sd_dummy" ""
# The output module testing doesn't actually connect to anything. It
# outputs the requested commands to standard output and reads
# responses from stdandard input. This way, Speech Dispatcher's
# communication with output modules can be tested easily.
# AddModule "testing"
# The DefaultModule selects which output module is the default. You
# must use one of the names of the modules loaded with AddModule.
DefaultModule espeak
# The LanguageDefaultModule selects which output modules are prefered
# for specified languages.
#LanguageDefaultModule "en" "espeak"
#LanguageDefaultModule "cs" "festival"
#LanguageDefaultModule "es" "festival"
# Here you can include the files with client-specific configuration
# for different types of clients. They must contain one or more sections with
# this structure:
# BeginClient "emacs:*"
# DefaultPunctuationMode "some"
# ...and/or some other settings
# EndClient
# The parameter of BeginClient tells Speech Dispatcher which clients
# it should apply the settings to (it does glob-style matching, you can use
# * to match any number of characters and ? to match one character)
# There are some sample client settings
Include "clients/*.conf"
# The DisableAutoSpawn option will disable the autospawn mechanism.
# Thus the server will not start automatically on requests from the clients
# DisableAutoSpawn
Ein Editieren ist nur innerhalb von 10 Minuten möglich.
Ich hab ein zweites Problem bekommen nach Definition eines IMAP-Ordners als Trash-Ordner (“could not create collection trash”).
Um das zu beheben, habe ich
rm -rf ~/.local/share/akonadi
gemacht. Als völlig unberechenbarer positiver Nebeneffekt ist der Sound-error weg. Unabhängig vom gestrigen/heutigen Sync.
Hm. Dann hats wohl eher weniger mit speech-dispatcher zu tun.
Eine Anwendung die Sound ausgibt sollte sowieso nicht andere beeinflussen (falls doch ists mMn eher ein Problem in PulseAudio).
Vielleicht hat Akonadi bzw. MySQL wg. Problemen mit der Datenbank den Rechner “überlastet”? :
PulseAudio mixt ja alle gerade abgespielten Streams in Echtzeit zusammen, wenn sich das nicht “ausgeht” kanns leicht zu den beschriebenen Problemen kommen… (blecherner Klang, Verzögerung, Wiederholung von Teilen)
Killen des speech-dispatchers hat dann wahrscheinlich nur deshalb geholfen weil dann eben ein Stream weniger aktiv war, also weniger Arbeit.
Mein Verdacht fiel auf speech-dispatcher weil der eben auch Audio ausgibt, und sich nach 5 Sekunden Untätigkeit beendet (und du schriebst “Der Fehler geht nach Beenden der beiden Programme nach ca.5 Sekunden weg”).
Jedenfalls, es wäre auch möglich speech-dispatcher testweise zu deinstallieren falls das Problem doch nochmal auftritt.
Der Ping hat sich wohl verirrt, etwas spät meine Antwort.
Deinstallation vom Speech-Dispatcher bringt dauerhaft abhilfe. Ich muss mal bei anderen Distros schauen, ob der da auch standardmäßig installiert ist. Kurios, auch weil ich anscheinend alleine mit dem Fehler bin.