kmail 4.8.1 crash a lot


don’t know why but since i updated to kmail 4.8.1, it crash a lot…

does somebody have the same problem?


You didn’t post enough about this to get any reasonable responses. The crystal ball is broken today :wink:

Run kmail from the command line and use susepaste to paste the results.

collinm wrote:
> don’t know why but since i updated to kmail 4.8.1, it crash a lot…
> does somebody have the same problem?

Unfortunately yes :frowning:

Check whether you have any “Last Search” in your kmail folder tree and remove it. Posting a backtrace (install debuginfo packages) might also help to get to the source of the problem.

I’m also having problems with Kmail2 or Akonadi. It doesn’t crash, but mail bodies are not shown – I even think that one mail body may have been stripped away by either Kmail2 or Akonadi. I recorded following console output:

user@localhost:~> kmail
QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
kmail2(6490)/kdepimlibs (mailtransport): Could not access Outbox. 
kmail2(6490)/kdeui (kdelibs): Attempt to use QAction "" with KXMLGUIFactory! 
kmail2(6490)/kdeui (kdelibs): Attempt to use QAction "" with KXMLGUIFactory! 
kmail2(6490) MessageViewer::Util::fileNameForMimetype: unknown mimetype ""

.xsession-errors shows problems with the database of Akonadi:

found 1 item parts to expire in collection "INBOX" 
Error during updating record with id 11438  in table "PartTable" "Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging. InnoDB is limited to row-logging when transaction isolation level is READ COMMITTED or READ UNCOMMITTED. QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement" 
failed to update item part 11438 
found 1 item parts to expire in collection "INBOX" 
Error during updating record with id 11435  in table "PartTable" "Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging. InnoDB is limited to row-logging when transaction isolation level is READ COMMITTED or READ UNCOMMITTED. QMYSQL3: Unable to execute statement" 
failed to update item part 11435 

Version of akonadi and kmail is 4.8.1-331.2, installed from …/KDE:/Release:/48/openSUSE_12.1](

Any help appreciated.

KDE SC 4.8.1 packages for openSUSE


Help on KDE PIM data loss bugs

might be helpful. Yet the crashes have nothing to do with that, hence a new thread might be more useful to not mix two issues.

rabauke wrote:
> Check whether you have any “Last Search” in your kmail folder tree and
> remove it.

Thanks! I had one, and it appeared to be empty (deleted it anyway) I will
report back when (if) I have a new crash.

> Posting a backtrace (install debuginfo packages) might also
> help to get to the source of the problem.

I will have to look into this, because I do not know what needs be done
after installing a debuginfo package. Is it just install the package and
looking for some log?

BTW, my crashes happen when I try to read one unread message, but not every


If a KDE app crashes dr. konqi comes-up and tries to create a backtrace. You can click on the respective tab when it opens. It will rate the backtrace and offer to instell debuginfo packages. Without debuginfo the backtrace will be useless, i.e. does not contain any info that could hint at the cause o the crash.

Usually you could report the crash directly via fr. konqi. However because the bugzilla installation on was just updated that feature is currently broken.

rabauke wrote:

> -G-;2447050 Wrote:
>> rabauke wrote:
>> I will have to look into this, because I do not know what needs be done
>> after installing a debuginfo package. Is it just install the package
>> and
>> looking for some log?
>> -G-
> If a KDE app crashes dr. konqi comes-up and tries to create a
> backtrace. You can click on the respective tab when it opens. It will
> rate the backtrace and offer to instell debuginfo packages. Without
> debuginfo the backtrace will be useless, i.e. does not contain any info
> that could hint at the cause o the crash.
> Usually you could report the crash directly via fr. konqi. However
> because the bugzilla installation on was just updated that
> feature is currently broken.
In my case kmail (Kontact just disappears from the screen. No crash wizzard
comes up, no log info and restarting it work fine. Happens mainly when
selecting an email to read or when deleting emails.

Only thing I noticed that I question is Help about on help tab shows kontact
4.8.0, knode 4.8.0 and kmail 4.8.0 but YaST and Zypper show 4.8.1-331.2 for
each installed.


info kmail
Repository ‘Iscan’ is out-of-date. You can run ‘zypper refresh’ as root to
update it.
Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…

Information for package kmail:

Repository: KDE4.8_Release
Name: kmail
Version: 4.8.1-331.2
Arch: x86_64
Vendor: obs://
Installed: Yes
Status: up-to-date
Installed Size: 3.5 MiB
Summary: Mail Client
KMail is the KDE mail client.

Using repo:

This started after update from 4.8.0 to 4.8.1 yesterday.

I have seen one kontact crash since upgrading last night. I do have “last search” active. I will leave it be and see if I can get another crash, then will delete it again as a test and maybe see about getting a backtrace.

no i don’t have Last Search folder in kmail tree, will install debug package

Ok, if that happens you can do the following:

With debuginfo packages installed, start kmail and find out its PID, e.g. via CTRL+ESC or ps aux on a konsole. Then attach gdb to that PID, i.e.

gdb --pid <PID of kmail>

this will start gdb and halt kmail. Thus you issue


within gdb. If kmail crashes you can get a backtrace by issuing


Another thing you can try is to disable nepomuk. There have been reports that nepomuk causes crashes in recent kmail versions, so it might be worth a try and a possible workaround until the bug has been fixed.