Keyboard mapper in system tray does not accept all choosen languages (KDE 4.4.4)

Opensuse 11.3, KDE 4.4.4
The keyboard mapper seems to be blocked after putting 4 languages of choice. Is there any way to circumvent this limitation?
Thank you.

Not technically AKAIK in 4.4.4; but you can sometimes get round it where languages have similar layouts. For example, Czech follows the German layout for the main keyboard and, as long as you don’t want the £ sign, Polish is very similar to English-UK.

I would be interested why one would create this limitation. If somebody knows (s)he could tell me. The curiousity arrises because this limitation can be quite bad even if someone wants to use Linux in commerical ambience like an Internetshop. And in KDE3.5 I did not encounter this problems (what makes the reason why I am still there using it on my laptop. Was this simply “not ready yet” or was this: we decide about what is “useful” or not. I am not a programmer of course but it seems to me that technically it should be very easy to achiev. No?

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