Key combination to shut down?

Is there a combination of key-strokes to shut down 11.3?
…As opposed to clicking…

Oops wrong reply.

If you are on KDE, have a look at ‘Personal Settings’ > ‘Keyboard and Mouse’ > ‘Global Keyboard Shortcuts’. Both the components ‘ksmserver’ and ‘Run Command Interface’ offer actions for halt, reboot, logout (all without confirmation) to which you can assign shortcuts. ‘ksmserver’ even has shortcuts assigned to these action, however for some odd reason they don’t work for me.

Alternatively, you can hit alt+F2 and then type “reboot”, “shutdown”, “logout”.

On 2010-08-01, mikeinsantarosa <>
> Is there a combination of key-strokes to shut down 11.3?
> …As opposed to clicking…

Did you try the old ones ?

CTRL-ALT-Shift + PgDn for shutdown
CTRL-ALT-Shift + PgUp for reboot

When in doubt, use brute force.
– Ken Thompson

On 2010-08-03 00:32, Rikishi42 wrote:
> On 2010-08-01, mikeinsantarosa <>
> wrote:
>> Is there a combination of key-strokes to shut down 11.3?
>> …As opposed to clicking…
> Did you try the old ones ?
> CTRL-ALT-Shift + PgDn for shutdown
> CTRL-ALT-Shift + PgUp for reboot

Those are new to me, I only knew about ctrl-alt-delete, in text mode, that will reboot or halt
depending of the configuration. And ctrl-alt-backspace (twice) in X which kills the X server.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” GM (Elessar))

Works like a champ!
Thanks all - mike