I had to go back to vmlinuz-5.14.21-150400.24.46 kernel as it hang switching to i915 driver.
Have you reported a bug yet?
I just updated yesterday. This kernel update must be newer than that, so I won’t be trying it until next week.
Bug 1209436 - I915 hangs on Kernel vmlinuz-5.14.21-150400.24.49
for those that want to remove the bad kernel - here is a script to remove and lock the kernel - run as root or add sudo to the commands.
zypper rm -y kernel-default-5.14.21-150400.24.49.3
zypper al kernel-default kernel-default-extra kernel-default-optional
zypper ll
cd /boot
rm initrd
rm vmlinuz
ln -s initrd-5.14.21-150400.24.46-default initrd
ln -s vmlinuz-5.14.21-150400.24.46-default vmlinuz
ls -la /boot
I just updated my laptop (use i915). It seems to be okay with the new kernel. I don’t know about my desktop, which I don’t plan to update until next Thursday.
Same problem here. I had to reboot with the old kernel and uninstall the new one. In the bug report it looks like the problem has been found.
This kernal locks up and control-alt-f[key failes). I have to do a motherboard shutdown. Recovery mode locks up as well.
The previous kernal works.
I have a msi laptop.
I ran into the same problem with Kernel vmlinuz-5.14.21-150400.24.49. I got a black screen after boot, before the desktop should have loaded. i915 graphics, Dell Inspiron 3501, Intel i5
I had to reboot from a previous snapshot and Kernel Linux 5.14.21-150400.24.46.
I can also confirm that yesterday’s kernel update5.14.21-150400.24.49 is not working for my.
Stops immediately at the beginning of the boot process.
I didn’t understand why you insult and humiliate me. I just wanted to confirm with my post that the problem in this thread is not random and that other opensuse users have problems as well.
It would not hurt you enough to reflect on your behaviour.
Hello everyone. I just installed this kernel, just before reading this thread , but i did not restart. How can i revert to previous kernel without problems ?
@ Christophe_deR You can go to YaST2 install/uninstall software, search for “kernel” and select the “version” tab on the description of each of the three packages related to that kernel, uninstalling the last version just by clicking on its check mark. Remember to leave at least one kernel installed!
Ok, thanks RGBsuse. That’s what i wanted to do, but prefered to ask first.
So Yast gives possibility to suppress the latest kernel
The culprit seems to be :
( 49.3 is a french joke that any french will understand today ;o)
The packages to suppress are :
Right ?
BTW, luckily, it looks like suse kept the 2 last versions of the kernel. I think it’s a good idea.
Do we know when this will be repaired ?
@Christophe_deR Yes, that’s what I did.
No idea when will be fixed, but by experience, it will be fast.
Most users of i915 for graphics have no need to have -extra or -optional installed. In any event, 5.14.21-150400.24.49.3 works for those using AMD (me) or NVidia (me) graphics, but not those using Intel (also me).
Does the 5.14.21-150400.24.49.3 kernel need to be uninstalled explicitly or can I just boot into 5.14.21-150400.24.46.1 and then upgrade again when the fixed kernel is ready?
I would always uninstall a faulty kernel.
Thank you for your answer.
Why? What is the problem/difference?