kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908)

Hi all,
I am tring to install VirtualBox. And I have some trouble.

“The virtualBox linux kernel driver (vboxdrv) is either not loaded or there is a permission problem with /dev/vboxdrv. Please reinstall the kernel module by executing
/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup” Balabala…etc.

I went to the VirtualBox forum and seea post that intend to solve a similar problem with mine. I have this question “I have no output with command ‘ls /usr/src | grep linux’. what should I do?”.
He replied:

  	 			 			 				openSUSE 12.2 prerequisites should be installed first as well as a  full  update. It really depends on exactly what you are running,  desktop,  server, Etc.

For normal users it should be *kernel-desktop-devel kernel-source kernel-syms gcc make
You should verify this with your Host OS forum to be sure.

Could you help me check it out? By the way ,I am using openSuSE 12.2, desktop, KDE if you ask. 64-bit

You need to read through this forum Article:

And I have links to get the latest VirtualBox 4.2.6 from Oracle in this message, read to the end:

Thank You,