Good to hear, thank you for confirming.
So now I know it’s not just working for me… :wink:

Any real improvement over 4.13.3? :expressionless:

Any real improvement over  4.13.3?

Visually not really - the icons look a bit more modern and it has a cleaner look than kde4 but the structure (menu etc) is very similiar. It is worth having a look and this tread explains how to install it fairly easily alongside kde4

KDE Frameworks 5 released
KDE Plasma 5 released
Xmas comes early this year…Wonder if OpenSUSE 13.2 will have KDE 5 as default, or perhaps its too soon for that.

Anyone tried it on OpenSUSE 13.1? Is it good enough to toss out KDE 4? I also reckon that not all KDE applications have migrated to KDE Frameworks 5. Then the question will be if and how well they work in KDE 5.

Yes, PLasma 5 was released 2 weeks ago already. And KDE Frameworks 5 one week earlier even.

That’s what this thread is about… :wink:

Anyone tried it on OpenSUSE 13.1?

See above for how to install it alongside KDE4. I have created packages that make it possible.

To be on the safe side, you might want to give my repo a higher priority (i.e. lower priority number) than the other two repos (KDE:Frameworks5 and KDE:libQt5), that my packages are preferred over the original ones that conflict with KDE4.

Is it good enough to toss out KDE 4?

It is usable, but it doesn’t have all planned features yet.
You have to decide yourself whether it is “good enough to toss out KDE 4” for you.

I also reckon that not all KDE applications have migrated to KDE Frameworks 5. Then the question will be if and how well they work in KDE 5.

Not all?
Hardly a single one has been ported to KF5. Some have been ported like Kate/Kwrite, Konsole and dolphin, but haven’t been released yet.
But KDE4 applications work of course fine in Plasma 5, just like they work fine in GNOME or any other DE.

Plasma5’s systemsettings even applies certain settings to KDE4 as well, so KDE4 applications should look like KF5 ones.

I thought as much. Just stated my joy that KDE 5 was finally released.

There’s one thing I’d really love seeing implemented in KDE - the ability to snapshot task bar state (in other words back it up every now and then), for example if someone accidentally clicks “Remove this task bar”, all the changes are just gone.

Apparently you edited your post after I started to write my reply…

No, 13.2 will not come with “KDE 5” by default.
Btw, there is no “KDE 5”. The new desktop is called “Plasma Desktop 5”, and kdelibs have been split up into “KDE Frameworks 5”.

Then there are the Applications, but most of those have not been ported to KF5 yet, as mentioned.
AFAIK the first ones will be released in December, in a mixed KDE4/KF5 release (with KDE4’s Plasma as desktop).

But openSUSE 13.2 will include those KF5/Plasma5 packages that are in the KDE:Frameworks5 repo now, so you can install Plasma5 instead of KDE4’s desktop without adding any additional repos.

You should better post such wishes/suggestions in the official KDE/Plasma5 forum, I’d say:

I doubt that many KDE developers will read this here… :wink:

So as a newcomer (as my profile suggests lol) is the best way to use the Plasma Desktop 5 and KDE Frameworks 5 is by installing openSUSE 13.1 KDE and then going through your instructions wolf? Adding your repo, as well as the other ones, and then have 4 and 5 installed together?

Or should I start with a different base, like Gnome?


If you want to try Plasma 5 while still keeping KDE4’s Plasma desktop, yes.

If you do not care about KDE4, then you don’t need my repo and just follow: SDB:KDE repositories - openSUSE Wiki

Only the plasma desktops conflict, you can still keep and use KDE4 applications in Plasma 5 of course (most are not even ported to KF5 yet).

Or should I start with a different base, like Gnome?

You can if you want to, but then you won’t need my repo and can just install the standard Plasma 5 packages.

But if you use/want to use KDE4, my additional repo gives you the possibility to install Plasma 5 alongside and have both selectable on the login screen (for kdm with the standard openSUSE theme, click on the wrench symbol at the bottom of the screen to choose the session).

If you still have questions, feel free to ask…

Thanks Wolf!
Yea, the whole KDE desktop/apps/etc can sometimes be confusing. As in you can have the Plasma 5 desktop, but still use the KDE4 apps etc. I’m guessing sooner or later they’ll release the entire “KDE5” package?

I believe they are planing on separate development of the apps and the plasma desktop. I’m sure the apps will be updated in time but they are not to by married like in the past

I would not plan on using KF5 anytime soon for my main desktop. In fact it may be best to try it in a virtual machine. Things are still changing fast

Actually that “split” has already been done a few years ago. See Repositioning the KDE Brand | KDE.news .

There’s the “KDE Development Platform” (KDE Libraries, now KDE Frameworks 5), the “KDE Workspace” (Plasma), and the “KDE Applications”.
While all of those have still been released together as “KDE SC (4)” upto now (except for “KDE Workspace” which is still at version 4.11), for “KDE 5” they will finally be released completely independent and even have different release schedules and version numbers.

The first “KDE Frameworks 5” release has been 1 week before the first “Plasma 5” release already.
The first “Applications” release is planned for December. Well, actually this will be a final KDE SC 4 release (still with monthly bugfix updates afterwards though, until KDE4’s support ends some time in 2015), with some of the applications (not the desktop itself, that will still be KDE4) in a KF5 version already (this will be decided on a per-application basis, depending on whether the KF5 version is ready to be released or not).

I would not plan on using KF5 anytime soon for my main desktop. In fact it may be best to try it in a virtual machine. Things are still changing fast

That’s the point of my packages/repo.
You can install Plasma 5, and still keep KDE4’s desktop.
So you can still have KDE4 as main desktop, but log into Plasma 5 (by selecting it on the login screen) from time to time to try it out.

Hallo I want to ask a question about it. I use opensuse 12.3 with the old KDE. I see that the upgrading repositories are only for openSUSE 13.1. Is it possible KDE 5 being available for openSUSE 12.3 too??

The KDE:Frameworks5 packages are only built for Factory and 13.1 (i.e. the latest released version) on purpose, just like [noparse]KDE:Distro:Factory[/noparse].

The reasons are to lower the burden on OBS, and also older distribution releases might not contain necessary libraries in a high enough version. So it could be a nightmare to maintain packages for them (or they might even break the rest of your system if you have to install some newer libs).

If you want to try/use the latest software, use the latest openSUSE release (or Factory :wink: ).

That’s not so good for the older versions. Upgrading through repository ‘‘form’’ is a bit risky, because sometimes many functions do not work or they need some time to find the correct libraries for that.

Depends on what software you use and how you installed it of course. I hardly ever have problems when upgrading to a newer version.

Anyway, I don’t quite follow your reasoning. To install KDE:Frameworks5 you would probably have to upgrade some (many?) system libraries as well, so it would in fact be similar to an upgrade to 13.1.

And 13.1 is out for 9 months already, it’s not really bleeding edge any more. 12.3 will be end-of life in a few months anyway.

If you want to, you can try to build your own packages for 12.3 on OBS of course. Just branch the existing ones and enable the 12.3 target.
And then fix all build failures, either by adding newer versions of the corresponding libraries to your repo or patching the KF5/Qt5 packages…

I would enable to build my packages for 12.3, but that alone won’t help you because you need a lot more packages from KDE:Framework5 and KDE:Qt5. And I don’t want to replicate all of them in my repo. (too much unnecessary work)

If you just want to try out Plasma 5, there are other possibilities as well as already mentioned. For example LiveCDs.


In first place, my thanks to wolfi323 to make the rpms. They are very useful to test Plasma 5 in real environments.

And a silly question, I find some problem with Plasma 5, I think the problem is Plasma not the packages. Is the best place to inform them KDE forums?


You’re welcome.

And a silly question, I find some problem with Plasma 5, I think the problem is Plasma not the packages. Is the best place to inform them KDE forums?

Yes, you would even reach the KDE developers there. The Plasma 5 forum is located here: https://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=289&sid=bab55779fa5d70e531cc123ac9ac9bd1
See also the sticky post there.

Or file a bug report at http://bugs.kde.org/