kde4.4 beta2

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Today, KDE has released a second beta version of the 4.4 series, which will debut
with a stable release in January 2010. While the first beta of 4.4 has been quite a
bumpy ride, most of the grave problems have been fixed. KDE-PIM should be fully
operational again, and for many users, compositing in KDE’s Window Manager is back
Meanwhile, the bug squashing frenzy is in full swing and will continue for another
month until KDE 4.4 will be branched and frozen for release. Please help us test this
version (you will have some time over christmas, no?), so we can make 4.4.0 and its
subsequent releases ever more stable and pleasant to work with.

More info: KDE - Software Compilation 4.4 Beta 2 Release Announcement

Thanks, I saw it… This is the moment I was planning my switch to 4.4 for. As soon as the packages appear in the suse repo’s :wink:

Does anybody know when kde 4.4 beta 2 will appear in the factory? or is it better to upgrade from unstable repo?

Patience .:wink:

I using it now
Get downloading and testing;)

How does it run? Is it at least half-way stable?

Indeed it is.
But of course you should only use this if you understand the How and Why of it all.

Hi Carl,
I read the page for KDE4.4 b2, beside that what things you notice are changed since 4.3.4. How is speed now, application crashes? Any crash you noticed yet.

So far in beta 2 it’s looking OK.

Just to say in beta 1 I was having

  • plasma crash when switching between search and repo view in Yast software management
  • My configured top auto-hide panel would become locked up - no function to it at all (I had to edit out the detail in the config file in .kde4 to delete it)

These seem resolved now.

I did notice yesterday before the update poor thumbnail rendering in gwenview. This remains in beta2. I’ll post a screen of that in a mo.

Here we are

I don’t recall it being so poor. But now I look, it’s almost as bad on my box running 4.3.4 stable

I just checked some photos rather than as in that 1st shot (which are screens), and they look better…see

So maybe it’s all in my head.

All in all, I’ll have not trouble using this Laptop for work, which I do.

Thanks carl, it was a good review from you.
I was thinking to upgrade from 4.3.4 to b2, but still not sure that how the things will go. I have laptop, which i am using for my personal work. So i was thinking to upgrade it. Lets see, which one wins –Go ahead-- or --Wait and be patient–. Still have few hours to decide… :wink:

Good luck with it
I say that because I know it will get the better of you;)

Anyone had any luck using the search in Dolphin? No matter what search criteria I use, I get big fat zero in search results.

No good here either

Carl, is it showing 4.3.85 for KDE4.4 b2 in YaST version tab through factory repo. Is it 4.4 b2?

That’s correct

kde4-config -v
Qt: 4.6.0
KDE Development Platform: 4.3.85 (KDE 4.3.85 (KDE 4.4 Beta2)) "release 203"

Thanks for the information.
I am going to give it a GO…
Hope, everything goes well.

4.3.85 is indeed 4.4b2.
It clearly still is a beta, but I hardly had any crashes so far. I like it. However, I noticed a number of small issues not working well.
For instance:

  • My autohide panel (same config as carl) does not seem to be working yet. Or not consistently, at least.
  • Kill button in system activity doesn’t work
  • X.org is eating just a bit too much CPU for my taste. Typically 15-20%, in idle.
  • Nepomuk search doesn’t work here either, but the same held for 4.3
  • Kontact seems to be unable to remember a few of the settings
  • Tiling doesn’t work. How am I supposed to do that?
  • KRunner is somewhat inresponsive
  • Auto-spellcheck in KatePart only seems to work in hindsight.
  • My autohide panel (same config as carl) does not seem to be working yet. Or not consistently, at least.
    Mine is OK now

  • Kill button in system activity doesn’t work
    Indeed. Not working

  • X.org is eating just a bit too much CPU for my taste. Typically 15-20%, in idle.
    <1% for me mostly

  • Nepomuk search doesn’t work here either, but the same held for 4.3
    Working with the soprano-backend-sesame

  • Kontact seems to be unable to remember a few of the settings
    Don’t use

  • Tiling doesn’t work. How am I supposed to do that?
    Don’t bother with this, didn’t try

  • KRunner is somewhat inresponsive
    No issue here, but try the Oxygen Workspace theme

  • Auto-spellcheck in KatePart only seems to work in hindsight.
    Not tested

I have had some strange clipper behaviour. The copy is picked up by clipper, but it’ll not transferable. Try copying the kde info from the sysinfo/mycomputer page of konqueror.

I discovered the pkgs from the UNSTABLE repo work better than the one’s from Factory.

The pkgs in Factory have higher numbers but I had some plasmoids that didnt’ work with the Factory version and the kickoff menu icon changed from the green gecko to a blue KDE.

OT: The Firefox 3.6 Beta is available from the Mozilla/beta repo. Looks pretty slick.