I am having a minor (yet annoying issue) with the kde user manager on Tumbleweed (4.9.10). I cannot find my own original main user (I have had this user since 11.3). I can add, edit, and remove new users, but my user is nowhere to be found (see pic, test is a new user I made). All of the users show up in Yast, and I have no problem logging in. Also my laptop is running Tumbleweed with the same exact kde-user-manager package with no issues (however my laptop has tumbleweed directly installed). I’m guessing this has to do with my distribution upgrades over the years and the user-manager not keeping up with older users but I don’t know where to look to fix this bug.]
What does the “(4.9.10)” refer to here?
Definitely not the version…
I’m guessing this has to do with my distribution upgrades over the years and the user-manager not keeping up with older users but I don’t know where to look to fix this bug.]
To test that theory, what user id do you have?
(run that as the missing user)
In principle, kde-user-manager should just get the users from the system, so it shouldn’t matter whether you upgraded or did a fresh install.
It may be that it only shows users with an id >= 1000 (like sddm does), which is the default since years.
If that’s the case, it should be fixable by some setting though, as my user with id 500 does show up fine…
Thanks for finding those links! Digging through the bug reports I tried the following commands which checks if the user is in a cache that KDE user manager uses to decide which users to display. Apparently my user was not in the cache.
Displays the users in the cache that KDE user manager checks (mine was not in it)
After running this command my user appears in the user manager.However when I try to modify my user (like changing the user picture) the user is removed from the cache again without making changes. I actually get two password prompts when making the change, one for standard root access to change a password, and the second to save settings in the SDDM.
I also tried the
getent passwd
and my user shows up when my user is missing from KDE user manager.
It seems like something about my user causes my user to be purged from the cache whenever I try to update it.