Newly installed LEAP 42.1, fully updated
VMware 11 Guest (although I doubt makes a diff)
Unable to disable screenlock
Settings > Configure Desktop > Hardware > Power Management > Uncheck all the “Energy Savings” boxes and Apply
Have also rebooted for good measure.
Screenlock still locking after waiting a few minutes.
Anyone else seeing same?
BTW - I’m really impressed how fast LEAP installs as a VMware Guest. Takes only about 10 minutes while for comparison any other openSUSE (13.2, TW) takes about 45 minutes (local DVD install source, no updates applied).
In System Settings you need to go to Workspace/Desktop Behavior/Screen Locking and disable Lock Screen Automatically. If you cannot access this, it may be because you use systemsettings for kde4 and not the one for kde5. Check this by displaying Help/System Settings About from the menu. If it is the old one then edit the application menu and change the call for systemsettings into systemsettings5. They are both in /usr/bin.
Actually, there are now TWO menu entries, differently named, for these settings. One is the KDE4 configurations, still needed for some KDE4 apps that are still in the system, and the other for Plasma 5. Just use the correct menu entry for the correct version.
Interesting that I found all sorts of references to Hardware > Display and Monitor and of course no setting exists there with most recent KDE… But nowhere could I find a specific new location for this setting.
I know the post is old but I wanted to say thank you. When I installed leap I set it to login automatically, yet the lock screen kept asking for a password and my spouse was getting ticked off because he couldn’t log in because I don’t want him to have the password. (He doesn’t want me messing with his mac and I don’t want him messing with linux.). Seriously that setting is in the weirdest hard to find spot. When I install it to login without a password it shouldn’t automatically have a lock screen set up to begin with, all anyone would have to do is just hold down the power button to turn it off and then turn the computer back on. It’s not security it’s annoying.