Kde plasma login screen


Wish to migrate to KDE plasma leap from 15.3 to 15.4

When i install a packet from another desktop (nautilus from gnome desktop environment for instance), the boot login screen change from KDE plasma to gnome desktop login screen, which i doesn’t want : this phenomenon does not manifest for leap 15.3.

How to keep boot login screen KDE plasma when installing packet or another desktop environment ?

Thanks !

I do not think there is a KDE Display Manager (kdm) anymore. IIRC they are using lightdm.

In any case YaST > Miscelaneous > Alternatives. In the list you will find default-displaymanager. Set that to the one you want.

There is sddm of course.

Is that provided by the KDE people?

The thing is of course that it is in fact not part of the desktop Environment. It runs before a user has logged in and during that log in (s)he chooses which environment to run for her/him in that moment in time.

I assume DE people offer DMs to provide a look and feel that is like their DE. So when on a system all users use only that specific DE, they see a login screen that blends with it.

Or they do simply “because it can be done”. This was given as a possible explanation to me when I wondered why the KDE project also has a so called “partitioner” on offer.

No, but it is the default option when KDE desktop install is chosen IIRC? It is described as a display manager for X11 and Wayland environments.

I assume DE people offer DMs to provide a look and feel that is like their DE. So when on a system all users use only that specific DE, they see a login screen that blends with it.

Yes, I think some people do like “consistency”. :slight_smile:

And I guess that is the cause of the problem here. Every one of the different DEs thinks it’s choice of DM is the “best”. And thus when you install several of them, you never know with which one you end up. And when you have chosen one that you like, then apparently a later install of a DE (or part of it, as in this case the specificfile manager) is stubborn enough to overwrite your choice. :frowning:

Where have you seen that anybody has configured anything? This question should have been accompanied with full output of

update-alternatives --display default-displaymanager

before and after the install that changed it. Otherwise everything is pure speculation (or in your case it is more close to ranting).

And more.

  1. Installing nautilus does not pull in gdm. So we do not even know what OP did but when it stopped anyone?
  2. Installing sddm first and then gdm does not change display manager from sddm to gdm (which matches update-alternatives documentation).
  3. Finally nobody knows what “boot login screen” actually means, there was no clear explanation in original post. Everyone assumed this was display manager and started off based on assumption …

As so often.

Sometimes I get tired of pointing out to people that their questions/problems are formulated without any evidence and then go with the flow :frowning: