KDE mouse pointer shows wrong cursor

I recently installed openSUSE-Tumbleweed Snapshot 20151201 (which was last updated today) as a guest installation using VMPlayer 12 running on a Windows 10 host. The installation went without any issues and everything works perfectly except the KDE mouse cursor does not update properly when moving over specific areas of any open windows.

For instance if I hover over the bottom right corner of a window the cursor will only intermittently change to the “stretch window” cursor, some times it remains as the arrow pointer no matter how slowly I move the mouse over the area. If the cursor does change to the stretch cursor it is then possible to move the cursor completely out of the window and border and it remains as the stretch cursor rather than reverting to the normal arrow mouse pointer (until another window is encountered).

Currently installed version numbers are:
KDE Plasma Version: 5.4.3
QT Version 5.5.1

I also installed OpenSUSE Leap 42.1 with KDE in an identical VM configuration and the mouse cursor behaved perfectly, so the problem only seems to occur when running KDE under OpenSUSE Tumbleweed.

Is anyone else experienced the same issue and if so have you managed to find a workaround to get the mouse pointer to update consistently?