KDE Mail Receives but Doen't Send

Can someone please help me with setting up KDE mail so that I can send messages. It receives fine, but when I tried to send I got the following message.

    Failed to transport message. Server error: 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful [CH2PR04CA0005.namprd04.prod.outlook.com] 

Thanks for any help.

After correcting wrong password I now am getting the following message:

   Failed to transport message. Server error: 5.2.0 STOREDRV.Submission.Exception:SendAsDeniedException.MapiExceptionSendAsDenied; Failed to process message due to a permanent exception with message Cannot submit message. 0.35250:0A006883, 1.36674:0A000000, 1.61250:00000000,


I have no idea what to do to correct this! Any help would be appreciated.

You seem to be attempting to connect the KMail Client to Microsoft’s “Outlook” e-Mail service – the one you get when you register your Microsoft licence …
Microsoft’s information for the “POP, IMAP, and SMTP settings for Outlook.com” is here: <https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/pop-imap-and-smtp-settings-for-outlook-com-d088b986-291d-42b8-9564-9c414e2aa040>.

  • N.B.
    : Please note the section at the bottom: “Outlook.com IMAP connection errors” … - Please be aware that, Microsoft and Google both have “Is this really you
    ” security mechanisms in place – you have to either, click on links provided in e-Mails sent to you or, for the case of Microsoft, access the “account.live.com/activity” URL to satisfy Microsoft’s desire to be really certain that, it’s really you … - For Google’s e-Mail service, there’s a similar mechanism …

OK. Problem is solved. Thank you.