I can’t print from any of the above mentioned applications on to any of my printers (local and network) via cups in **landscape **mode.
As I am using also Windows 7 Pro (64 bit), a bit tamed in a virtual box, I tried to print with the same applications (well, of courser not KDE Help Center ;)) and had no problem at all (local & network) . Everything came out in landscape. Tried it with my wifes and daugthers PC’s, both also OS 13.1, no Windows 7, same result: portrait mode.
Even telling both, the local printer driver and the application to print in landscape did not lead to any success; output is in portrait mode. Somewhere there must be a little naughty routine from digital hell, which hates landscape mode and turns every print job into portrait mode.>:)
I tried, as suggested in another thread, to save the output in landscape form in to a pdf-file and printed then the pdf file and … surprise ! This worked well. But frankly said, that can only be a temporary work around - it’s not really a solution which I can try to explain my wife and daugther, right ?
So I want to fix it - throw out this little naughty routine. Any ideas how this can be done ?
TIA, Joe
PC: Open Suse 13.1 64 bit
APPS: Firefox 31.1.0 , Libre Office, KDE Help Center 4.11.5 and others
PRINT NET: Open Suse 13.1 (32 bit)
As all printers don’t print landscape in OpenSuse, but it works with my Win 7 pro installation in the Virtual Box on all printers although the network printers run over a server with OpenSuse 13.1, I assume that it is not a printer problem. A driver problem is possible, but as both, all HP’s and all Samsung’s, don’t print landscape … I guess probability that it is a component of the OpenSuse system is much much higher than a driver problem.
Samsung CLP-300 Color Laser - network printer
Samsung CLP-310 Color Laser - network printer
HP 5610 All-in-one Color Ink - local printer
HP 5505 All-in-one Color ink - local printer
Linux drivers only, as windows works:
Samsung Unified Linux Driver Common 3.00.65 Priner 3.00.37 Build 253
HP Linux Imaging & Printing (HPLI) Version 3.13.10 Device Manager Version 15.0 (Qt4)
I tried, as suggested in another thread, to save the output in landscape form in to a pdf-file and printed then the pdf file and … surprise ! This worked well. But frankly said, that can only be a temporary work around - it’s not really a solution which I can try to explain my wife and daugther, right ?
So I want to fix it - throw out this little naughty routine. Any ideas how this can be done ?
Does this occur with all, KDE, or particular applications?
However, the main reason that I wanted to share it, is that it outlines how make CUPS keep the print job files in /var/spool/cups so that they can be inspected later using
cupsctl PreserveJobFiles=Yes
So, by printing the same document in portrait then landscape, one can check any differences with output (eg print options passed to the printer), and that might help with any bug report.
I am using KDE, not Gnome.
I tested with the KDE Help Center, Firefox and LibreOfiice.
In Libreoffice I even had access to the Device Setting and changed there the Printer Language type “Automatic: PDF” to “Postscript (Level from driver)” and it had no impact. Explicitly chosen one of the “Postcript Level n” n=1…3 , but it did not solve it.
I’m aware of that as you’ve already mentioned it. So am I.
I tested with the KDE Help Center, Firefox and LibreOfiice.
In Libreoffice I even had access to the Device Setting and changed there the Printer Language type “Automatic: PDF” to “Postscript (Level from driver)” and it had no impact. Explicitly chosen one of the “Postcript Level n” n=1…3 , but it did not solve it.
Okay, so that’s what I wanted to know. (FWIW, I am using openSUSE 13.1 with KDE 4.14.1, and don’t experience this issue with printing with any of the Brother/HP/Epson printers I attach to, so maybe that is relevant.)
have got 3 spool files using the cups command you mentioned in your post.
file was printed with portrait mode.
file was printed with landscape mode in Libreoffice and Portrait mode in the printer properties
file was printed with landscape mode in Libreoffice and landscape mode in the printer properties
Looking at them with Okular or the document viewer, they seem as they should be -
the 1. one in portrait mode
the 2. one in Landscape
the 3. one in landscape (double landscape (double negation) does not lead to portrait mode)
On the Samsung printer all of them were in portrait mode again.
Tried it with a HP Inkjet - same result.
Tried it on the Samsung with Windows - there it works.
Any ideas ?
The cups version is:
package cups-filters is not installed
Cups was installed by Yast if I rember right - no manual interference.
I could not find cups-filters (if this is the right name) with Yast/Software Managment and the Search tab. So I assume its not part of the OpenSues distribution.
Hi, I tried to make a bug report … and had the feeling I am in government organisation and have to try to find out who is responsible … bouncing around.
That bugzilla is less intuitve than Einstein theory of relativity !!!
I have now lost so much time … and no relevant success … don’t know whether I will try it again.
Unfortunately, I got no useable answer from the bugzilla guy in charge - no solution ! He closed the case.
And , yes, I have read the link he gave me … which lead to me to the the strange feeling , that this is a kind of philosophical problem between developers ? A different interpretation of a standard ? Or what ?
Frankly said landscape printing is really not a super duper high-tech feature … really sad!
If you like to create your own opinion , have a look here :Bug 898141
Btw. I tried to print on a friends Ubuntu installation with those applications concerned in landscape mode and it worked … so obviously its not a problem of the applications.
The “solution” described, is in my opinion a nerd workaround; nothing a normal user really should ever be forced to do if he wants to print in landscape !
It really looks as if some reactionary die-hards want to challenge the rest of the world