[KDE] Active window doesn't come in front

Hi all,

I’m new to suse distro and to this community so far suse has been a real companion to me. But recently I found an odd behavior that is when each and every time there’s a pop-up or an authentication prompt window (active window) shown it is not come in to the front of the screen it just stays behind. Sometimes it’s really annoying when 10-15 windows were opened because actions that required authentication will holds till I manually switch (alt+tab) to the active window and authenticate. I looked at the YaST → Window Behavior for an option to solve this issue but there really isn’t an option. So I would like to know if someone knows a proper solution for this issue.


Does this happen if you try a new user login? Just to test things.

Yes it is happening …

I’ve seen this, too. In both KDE 4.6.x and in current KDE 4.7.2.

Really? I’m glad that someone did notice it.

Yes, this is very annoying. I suspect that it is a bug in PolicyKit.

I have developed the habit of checking the task bar whenever I do something that might result in a policy kit authentication popup.

The bad news: it happens a lot when setting up WiFi connections with opensuse 12.1 (currently at rc2 testing).

Strange, couldn’t be a bug in KDE?

I’m not sure where the bug is (or I would report it). But I am only seeing the problem on what appear to be PolicyKit popup windows.


Even Alt-F2 is coming up behind other screens.

Quite annoying.

Especially when you hit it again … and again … and …

Suggestions? Links?

This is a very old thread please start a new with more detail on what you see.

Sorry, I can’t agree. I got here because it matches my problem, found upon searching for my problem - age is not germane, applicability is. A new thread, leaving this one unanswered, merely makes a person chew through this thread, with no answer, and have to go on to the next - which may or not appear to apply as well as this one. Why waste someone’s time, pointlessly, by not answering this one, and forcing them to look through another one?

Alternately, purge this thread so it doesn’t come up in a search?

For me, as expected, problem self-inflicted …

Configure Desktop (System Settings) > Window Behaviour > Windows Behaviour > Focus stealing prevention level - setting to Medium fixed my problem, I had it at High.

[Also found Configure Desktop (System Settings) > Application Appearance > Icons > Advanced / All Icons / Set Effect - No Effect, and uncheck Semi-transparent. Unchecking gamma in Default helped the annoyance reduction level, too.]


bs27975 wrote:
> gogalthorp;2590467 Wrote:
>> This is a very old thread please start a new with more detail on what
>> you see.
> Sorry, I can’t agree.

It’s not really up to you to agree or not :slight_smile:

> I got here because it matches my problem, found
> upon searching for my problem - age is not germane, applicability is. A
> new thread, leaving this one unanswered, merely makes a person chew
> through this thread, with no answer, and have to go on to the next -
> which may or not appear to apply as well as this one. Why waste
> someone’s time, pointlessly, by not answering this one, and forcing them
> to look through another one?

Because nobody who might provide help is going to go to the bother of
chasing through an old thread to understand it and then start asking you
questions to see which of the points in the thread apply to your case or

And those of us who use NNTP can’t do it at all anyway!

> Alternately, purge this thread so it doesn’t come up in a search?

You think administrators have so much time to waste?

I can confirm I’ve seen this behavior intermittently as well (KDE 4.10.x) but haven’t thought too much about it. Have also launched apps and if a version of the app might already be open in another desktop (not Desktop), the new instance doesn’t always open in the current desktop.

My workaround is to simply click on the app bar, find the new instance (generally it’ll have a generic name whereas previous versions would describe what the app is currently viewing or running) and click on it to set the new focus.


Almost a fix for this:

Go to system settings > window behavior > window rules and make a new rule to bring policykit windows to front:
click New, type something in the description, set Window Title to “Substring Match” and type PolicyKit (case sensitive) in the field next to it. Then go to Arrangement & Access tab, enable “Keep above”, select Apply now and Yes. Click OK and Continue, then Apply. To verify it’s working, go to Fonts and try disabling a System Font, the box should popup to the front. On my system the focus is not on it, but at least I now know that I have to click it!