KDE 4.6 Wallpaper changes to hideous thing when I click bottom of panel

Hi all,

I am just wondering if anyone else is running into this weird behavior on KDE 4.6. It’s on an openSUSE 11.4 installation, 64 bit, on a laptop with 2 monitors. Normally, I have the following desktop/wallpaper/icon combo:


Then, when I accidentally click my mouse on the bottom of my panel, I get this very ugly desktop for some reason:


Also, when I then right-click in the desktop area to change back the wallpaper, the “Change Desktop Background” option does not work. This only affects the current desktop I am working on, so I end up just moving all my work to a new desktop, but it’s awfully annoying. I don’t even know where the wallpaper comes from - it’s not one of the options in my wallpaper settings.
Anyone else run into this problem? Any thoughts?


So I have no idea what might be going on. Also, that top picture is beautiful for sure. You should post it in the screen shots thread so we can get a better look at it. Now, if I did not know better, it looks like your desktop settings has changed from Desktop (Default Settings) to the Folder View some how. Is that possible? Any other oddities going on with KDE? Is this KDE 4.6.00 or is it newer?

Thank You,

Hi James,

Yes, you are right, now that I look at it it’s going into folder view. I’m not sure why, and where it’s coming up with the wallpaper though. All I am doing is clicking at the very bottom of the panel at the bottom of the screen by accident, and for some reason it changes over.

Yes, it is KDE 4.6.00.


Hi James,

Yes, you are right, now that I look at it it’s going into folder view. I’m not sure why, and where it’s coming up with the wallpaper though. All I am doing is clicking at the very bottom of the panel at the bottom of the screen by accident, and for some reason it changes over.

Yes, it is KDE 4.6.00.


Perhaps you have found a new feature, or perhaps a bug, but I seem unable to reproduce in though it really sounds like you have stumbled onto an option some how. It kind of makes me think of the joke where the guy tells the Doctor that every time he holds up his hands high, they hurt. The Doc then replies, don’t do that then. Perhaps you should avoid this screen location, if you can, or until someone better than a witch doctor, such as myself, comes along. lol!

Thank You,

You know what’s funny about it, when I move my mouse to the bottom of the panel, it can keep moving down for awhile, and then it takes awhile to come back up - it’s like there is a much lower edge to my desktop than what shows on the screen. Weird stuff. I’ll have to play around with it and see what I can find.

Thanks for your time, James.

Don’t know if it’s your case, but I’ve seen this behavior (like the desktop area is higher than the display so you can scroll down) a few times after messing up with the video driver somehow (or booting in safe mode with two monitors connected). You could check the screen module in system-settings, and perhaps also if the bottom screen border is not active.

Note: in this “scroll mode” there is a semi-transparent scroll bar on the right side, from the cashew all the way down. It’s not drag-abled, but kinda show the relative position of the desktop. It feels like a half-implemented feature, I don’t really know.

Now on to some wild speculation:
Perhaps something is messed up with activities? I have yet to take the time to understand how this works in 4.6.
If nothing else works, I’d close the session, change to a terminal (ALT+CTRL+F1), log in and rename some selected parts of ~/.kde4 (or perhaps even the whole .kde4 folder), restart kde and get a brand new default desktop, and see if the problem persist. You then could reconfigure everything again, or restore (rename back) the .kde4 folders one by one to see where the problem creeps up.
Remember, I’m just speculating.

Or to avoid the .kde4 renaming come-and-go you could create a new user just to test this, copying the ./KDE4 parts from the original user. This is not as conclusive as working from the original user since the problem may be in something that the new user don’t have access to, like a defective jpg wallpaper or a local-user app configuration or whatever.

On 06/26/2011 03:36 AM, andyprough wrote:
> Then, when I accidentally click my mouse on the bottom of my panel, I
> get this very ugly desktop for some reason:

i know you may find this difficult to fathom, but i prefer the one you
call hideous…so, beauty is in the eye of the beholder…


Haha - but it looks absolutely frightening on the big screen monitor - the brightest bright green I’ve ever encountered. The worst part is I can’t figure out what it is - if it’s a folded bamboo leaf, that’s not so bad, but if it is some strange insect eyeball or something - yeck!!

On 06/26/2011 02:06 PM, andyprough wrote:

> if it is some strange insect eyeball or something - yeck!!

you are correct, it is a rare and strange insect eyeball, with a double
chocolate fudge center…yummmmmmmmmmmmmmy!!


I see you have two desktops per the pager in the panel bar., you are switching to the other desktop courtesy of the desktop effects. The ugly wallpaper is set on the other desktop, as you hadn’t set your preferred one for all desktops. :slight_smile:

I fell victim to this on kubuntu installed on top of ubuntu. Turns out the hideous thing is nautilus in desktop mode. Immediate recourse was pressing Alt-F2 and typing pkill nautilus<enter>. You may wish to google up other options as well for controlling nautilus and gvfs behaviour with KDE.

Well, whatever it was it went away when I upgraded to 12.1. I was surprised when I wrote this - I thought it was happening to everyone!