KDE 4.4.86 installed on openSUSE 11.3 (What is it?)

Well, I seemed to updated KDE to some weird version. In My Computer it now says

KDE: 4.4.86 (KDE 4.4.86 (KDE 4.5 >= 20100616)) “release 3”

I think I am using the wrong repository, though the new KDE does seem to work OK. The icon Tray seemed to have changed and the SuSE start-up icon was replaced with the KDE icon. So, I am not really sure what I have upgraded to. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank You,

I think you have somehow installed KDE 4.5rc3 (same as Kubuntu Maverick). The Kubuntu version has the odd characteristic of having more or less identical top and bottom panels. This is carried to the extent that notifications driven from the bottom panel are repeated at the top of the screen. I have yet to figure out the purpose of this duplication but, as you observe, the installation otherwise works fine.

Humm, well the menu exists only at the bottom for me and with the exceptions of the two items mentioned before (task bar appearance and start menu button), all looks the same as normal KDE 4.x. The version of 4.5 rc3 sound likely, based on what I am seeing. Thanks for your comments Bennachie.

Thank You,

Well, apparently you’re using the UNSTABLE KDE repository.

If you open a terminal and type:

zypper lr -d

We can see what repositories you do have enabled.

Did you mean to be running the unstable version of kde4?

Take Care,


Congratulations, you’re on KDE4 4.5 beta !! I’ve been running the beta from release date, had some issues, but these have all been fixed. No crashes, apps run smooth, I love the new “Systemsettings”.
There is a point though: these repos are called “UNSTABLE” for a reason. What works today, may not work tomorrow, in case of trouble you’re pretty much on your own. Unless you don’t mind about that, I suggest you add the KDE4: Factory Desktop repo and switch the installed packages to that repo.

Well I am using the UNSTABLE KDE repository as I found an openSUSE 11.3 one, but I did not think about it sending me up to KDE 4.5 beta. Since I am using this on an extra machine, dual booting from an external hard drive, which I am just going to reload for each new openSUSE 11.3 RCx release, I will just stick with this version of KDE for now.

Thanks for the great information, this was very helpful.

Thank You,