KDE 4.2

A question. Will opensuse 11.1 offer a simple und robust way to upgrade KDE 4.1 to 4.2 at the end of January and will this be a good advice. For example i working with two monitors in Xinerama Modus and i heard this is not good supported until now.

thank you

officially there will be no upgrade to KDE4.2 in OpenSuSe 11.1. It does not offer version upgrades during a release lifecycle. For that one would have to run either a rolling release system like Arch or a cutting edge distro like Fedora.

However The will obviously be 1-click installs for a community release of KDE4.2 (made by largely the same people). This is an unofficial upgrade to the latest KDE but I would not expect too many problems, I did have a few dependency errors when using the community 1-click upgrade in the past but all in all it was okay.

and yes upgrading to KDE4.2 is a very good advice, many features will be introduced and it already is much more complete in beta then the current 4.1.x branch. don’t know about xinerama though.


thanks for your tips,
this makes it easier to make a decision in the next weeks.
Until now i’m using Suse 10.2 as an production system for print and web and now i think the day comes to move forward…

I use 4.1.3 in openSUSE 11, with the Nvidia driver, in a dual monitor configuration every day without any issues.

FWIW, I’ve been using KDE 4.2-beta from the UNSTABLE:/ repo for some time now in 11.1, works perfectly well.

Just my 2c…


Bigdesktop (ATI equivalent for Xinerama, one framebuffer for both screens) was working fine for me in Opensuse 11.0 in kde-4.0 and 4.1, what isn’t working in kde-4.x until now are dual monitor Xorg configurations with two independent screens. The second monitor simply stays black, Xfce and Gnome are working in this configuration, though. I use two independent screens due to a hardware limitation of my ATI x600 mobility graphics card that doesn’t allow me to have OpenGL apps maximized on the second monitor in BigDesktop mode.


@cdurbin: Does both of your screens run at the same native resolution? I’ve tried dual screening with the nvidia driver with one screen running at 1680x1050 and the other running at 1440x900, but for the smaller screen it doesn’t run at native resolution and part of the desktop doesn’t display.

Normally, yes they both run at 1280x1024. One is hooked up to the analog port and the other to the digital port on my docking station. I have hooked a monitor up to the VGA port directly on the laptop and also a projector to the VGA port as well and have noticed the same thing you did. The screens displays fine on the higher resolution screen, but not on the lower resolution screen. If I remember right though, it does let me pan around the screen.
