KDE 4.2 repos gone

I am using opensuse 11.1 with KDE 4.22. Now the 4.22 repos have disappeared. I understand that these things take time to maintain but this sudden disappearance is unsettling.

If you are going to use an unsupported repository for KDE then you should really follow the opensuse-kde mailing list.

If you read through the archives you will notice that the KDE42 was an added bonus due to the release of the LIVE KDE disk and was soon becoming unsupported. If you want a supported repository, stick to KDE:KDE4:STABLE, or OSS. If you want to play around use KDE43 knowing that it will someday get dumped, use KDE:KDE4:KDE43. If you want to see what’s in the next openSUSE release use KDE:KDE4:Factory. If you’re crazy and/or a KDE developer use KDE:KDE4:UNSTABLE.