To add icons to KDE 4.2.3 you have to use the old kde 3 format lol!
the kde4 icons are not accepted
So i use now Noiawarmkde095 from kde2 !!!
You cant add a “NEW THEME” that is not working at all
so download it and install it by moving it to the kde4 themes map
The same for “Install new widget” also not working
Kde 4.2.3 release 116
hopefully no more fatal errors like above.
susegebr adjusted his/her AFB on Sunday 10 May 2009 01:26 to write:
> To add icons to KDE 4.2.3 you have to use the old kde 3 format lol!
> the kde4 icons are not accepted
> So i use now Noiawarmkde095 from kde2 !!!
I can add icons by going to the “configure desktop” appearance>Icons then
use the get more icons button, it lists the newer ones on the net and I
press the install button, voila new icons installed.
K Desktop Environment
Version 4.2.3 (KDE 4.2.3) “release 116”
Nullus in verba
Nil illigitimi carborundum
Installing from the search applet in system settings does nothing, downloads nothing, reports nothing. At least for me.
I downloaded (from and installed three .gz KDE4 icon themes yesterday through system settings, all worked as expected.
Otherwise it may be the same Qt version problem I mentioned in your other post.
Or it could be that the library/routine that deals with icons was not updated to 4.2.3. Just guessing, mind you.
Possibly check in software management filter by repo and select the 42 desktop repo
if there are red packages
do update all unconditionally
the same for 42 community
there were updates and roll backs in the 42 repos the other day
Have you tried adding icons from within the Desktop folder? The philosophy of KDE4 is not based on the traditional desktop metaphor; instead you can choose what folder to have on your desktop.
For example, when I did a recent presentation, I chose to have the folder with all the files I needed on the desktop rather than the Desktop folder.
Unfortunately, if you choose Add to desktop from the menus it doesn’t place the icon within the Desktop folder.
Regarding the themes you can easily enable them by downloading the appropriate theme and change it accordingly with sysconfig.