KDE 4.1.86 is just a fail

Today I’ve updated my KDE from 4.1.85 to 4.1.86 and the only thing I can say is fail!
This release is the baddest KDE beta release I’ve ever seen, almost nothing works. Sound won’t work, login won’t work, logout won’t work, shutdown won’t, the panel color is false, …

Same symptoms on 2 computers, 32 and 64bit. Please reply if you have the same problems!

Strahlex wrote:

> Today I’ve updated my KDE from 4.1.85 to 4.1.86 and the only thing I
> can say is fail!
> This release is the baddest KDE beta release I’ve ever seen, almost
> nothing works. Sound won’t work, login won’t work, logout won’t work,
> shutdown won’t, the panel color is false, …
> Same symptoms on 2 computers, 32 and 64bit. Please reply if you have
> the same problems!
for me it all works, every upgrade in the kde4 series has just been
better than the previous - you might try cleaning out your kde4 cache
and temp directories.

Suse 11.0 x64, Kde 4.2beta (unstable repo), Opera 9.x weekly

Had very similar problems (bad buttons, lots of menus and such not working, no sound, etc) yesterday when I activated the KDE unstable repo. Did an update this morning and almost all the problems are gone. I would venture a guess the KDE team was busy shuffling things around. Try an update, its looking much better now.

Beautiful KDE4 by the way. I am running both KDE 3.5 and the “trunk” (or as close as I can get without compiling it myself, thanks to our awesome KDE team! :slight_smile: ) version of KDE 4.2 beta. It’s absolutely awesome! Man, now Aqua on OS X looks so "00"y

Oops. Y2K bug.

Often the way forward in the situations mentioned, is to start a new .kde4 folder

4.2 beta is brilliant for me, has been for weeks now.

same here 4.2 beta works beautifully

Not sure if it was the same problem but I do know there were some issues when this snapshot was built from SVN that weren’t known until someone tested the snapshot. So the packages should have been rebuilt and updated.

Now I’ve updated my whole KDE again and nothing changed. I’ve also deleted almost all my configurations files and cleared the tmp folder, but nothing changed.
It seems like there is a problem with the permissions, when I’m logged in as root, the sound works. There are also problems with USB devices (dolphin shows something with hal).
When I start the system, the auto-login won’t work, it only boots to the terminal, there is something with nfs was skipped?

You are confusing yourself I think. And WHY would you be logging in as root?

Try creating a NEW user (you can easily delete it later). See if the issue clears up.

I logged in as root to delete the config folders and to clean up the tmp dir.

Same problems with the new user, the audio switches to pulse audio (???), but I have a Intel card.

Not a good idea to log on as root you can really mess things up
You can disable pulse in yast > hardware > sound > other
If it’s a permissions issue add yourself to the audio group


Pulse audio is already deactivated.
Is saw that some packages are still 4.1.85 (kopete, krdc, krfb and all language files), could that be the problem?

Ok, here are 3 fotos:



USB problem:

Check in Yast software management
filter by repo
look in the kde4.2 beta repo’s - see if any packages are Red or Blue
If so update

All packages are the latest version, nothing is black or red…

Did you ever try creating a new user account?

also check this
Switched to KDE 4.2 beta 2, but reverted… - openSUSE Forums

That is my thread…I finally got it all working except for a nagging grey garbled screen on boot after the NVIDIA and before booting in to KDE. Other than that, I am impressed with 4.2 beta2.

Good for you.

FYI. I get all that garbled screen. Never had it in 11.0
Not related to kde I think.

What about your USB problem:
It’s all about PolicyKit.
I guess you’re logged to your system as a normal user, not as root.
So, under root edit /usr/share/PolicyKit/policy/org.freedesktop.hal.storage.policy and replace “no” on “yes” in the structure:

  <action id="org.freedesktop.hal.storage.mount-removable">
    <description>Mount file systems from removable drives.</description>
    <message>System policy prevents mounting removable media</message>

Save this file.
And you’ll get an ability to mount removable media by any user, not only root.

i just upgrades from 4.1.85 to 4.1.86 and it fails for me also. kde doesn’t even start. now i’m on 4.1.3